Oh, Carling, that looks quite winters! It’s a really good picture because it makes me shiver a little bit! Next time do a Spring scene please! I love you, kiddo! Your Baba
- Annette on April 14, 2021
Carling, you really used your imagination this time! I love it and would wish to have it framed on the wall of my house! Keep going, I can’t wait to see what you do next! Love, Baba
- Annette on April 14, 2021
Carling, this is the most amazing and impressive pictures you have done so far! I would love to have it hanging in my house! Keep going, Carling! I can't wait to see your next work. Love you Baba
- ANNETTE on February 17, 2021
Good job, Carling! That looks like your backyard! I especially like the small branches. They look so alive. Merry Christmas, love! Baba
- ANNETTE on January 13, 2021
Wow! I can almost see your Dad on that boat! With you and Sebastian also, of course! Love you, Baba.
- ANNETTE on February 17, 2021
Oh, what a nice bird! Looks like the one I brought from Costa Rica! so colourful. I love it. Baba
- ANNETTE on February 17, 2021
Good use of shapes, Carling! i like the colours also. keep up the good work! Love you. Baba
- ANNETTE on February 17, 2021
Such a cute picture, Carling! I love the deer and birds, and am very happy that the sun is shining. I hope every day is like this for you. Love you so much. Baba
- Annette on October 14, 2020
Great picture, Carling! Such detail! It must have taken you a long time. I love the way the style of.your pictures changes. I never know what to expect next! Love you. Baba
- Annette on October 14, 2020
Carling, I really like this picture! It made me laugh when I saw it. Funny, Funny! Wish I could see you and give you a hug. One day! I love you, Carling. Your Baba.
- Annette on October 14, 2020
This is an amazing picture, CARLING! It is one that I would like to have hanging on the wall in my house. Keep up the good work! Love you. Baba
- Annette on May 13, 2020
Oh, I really like this one, Carling! It makes me laugh! What great eyes! Keep it up! You make me proud! Baba.
- Annette on April 29, 2020
Oh, I like this little girl! Is it you, by any chance? Love you, Carling.
- Annette on April 15, 2020
Haha Carling! That's such a scary Monster! Love you, Baba
- Annette on April 15, 2020
Hi Carling, Now you are into origami! Wow! I just love it! I am so proud of you. Love you. Baba
- Annette on April 8, 2020
Oh Carling, this latest work of yours is so beautiful! I just love it! You are doing a great job. Keep up the good work. Your Baba
- Annette on March 30, 2020
Hi Carling! Your flu bug is so scary! I hope I never get it. Tell Snotty Skot to get out of your nose and go far away! Love you. Babal
- Annette on February 12, 2020
I know I saw this painting but somehow forgot to write a comment. It is really good. I love the strong colours. Baba
- ANNETTE on February 12, 2020
How did I miss this one? It is Great! Love, Baba
- ANNETTE on February 12, 2020
Carling, this new picture is so creepy! Your mother must have been so scared when she saw It! I love it. Keep up the good work. Your Baba
- ANNETTE on February 12, 2020
I love that apple! Any teacher would love it too. Too bad I can't take a bite! Keep up the good work, Carling. Love from your Baba
- ANNETTE on October 9, 2019
Hi, CARLING! This is a new art form for you and I like it a lot. You can do rubbing of lots of things. Look round your home, I bet you will find loads of things to rub. Love you, Baba
- ANNETTE on October 2, 2019
Another beautiful picture, Carling! It's how I imagine your backyard is looking right now. Keep up the good work, love. Your Bsba -- Annette
- on October 2, 2019
Carling, this the most amazing and funny picture you have created so far! It made me laugh out loud! You never cease to surprise me! Love you, Baba -- Annette
- on October 2, 2019
So cute, Carling! Were you thinking of Genie when you made this? I love it, and you too. Baba -- Annette
- on March 13, 2019
I like this one too, Carling. The little girl is very cute. Just like you! The flower is very pretty. Can't wait to see what you do next. Love you. Baba -- Annette
- on January 9, 2019
That was a very interesting picture, Carling. I liked it a lot. Love you and hope you do many more. Your Baba. -- Annette
- on January 2, 2019
Ooah Carling! What a beautiful picture! I really jove it! I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon. Love from your Baba -- ANNETTE
- on January 2, 2019
Hi Carling, I'm sorry it has taken me.so.long.to.write.this.but your new baby cousin has been keeping us all busy! I really love this new work of yours. It is so colorful and perky! The crooked eyes are especially cute! Keep up the good work. Love you, Baba -- Annette
- on January 2, 2019
Hi Carling! Another great achievement! You must have great patience to do such tricky work! I am again really proud of you. Love you. Your Baba -- Annette
- on October 17, 2018
What a beautiful picture, Carling! Definitely makes me think of Fall. I was looking at all your pictures. I seemed to have missed some of them. All are wonderful. You seem to be developing your techniques so nicely. Keep it up! You make me proud! Love you. Baba. -- Annette
- on October 10, 2018
Dear Carling, You are so full of love for everyone and we all love you. This picture shows your love. Great work. See you soon. Your Baba. Annette -- ANNETTE
- on July 25, 2018
What a lovely painting, Carling! Keep up the good work! Love, Baba -- ANNETTE
- on October 10, 2018
Another lovely painting, Carling. Great work! Keep it up! Love you so much. Baba -- Annette
- on May 17, 2018
Bravo Carling! You did it again! I love the colours and overall brightness. You colour my life. I love you. Baba -- Annette
- on March 29, 2018
Bravo, Carling! So proud of you! Your Baba -- Annette
- on February 28, 2018
Dear Carling, I love this new picture, so bright and vibrant. Just like you! Love you always, Baba -- Annette
- on February 28, 2018
Hi Carling! I am so happy to be able to see your beautiful art! This heart picture is so bright and full of Love,, like you! Your Baba -- Annette