Hey Buddy, I'm glad you did some fishing art. I'm also glad that your very interesting snowman (accompanied by his likewise interesting dog) has a fish on the line. Hope you come to my house soon so we can go fishing too. Pop Pop
- Pop Pop on April 21, 2021
I really like this picture and the detail you put into the building. I especially like the round stained glass window and the covered entrance. Great job and attention to architectural detail.
- Pop Pop on February 17, 2021
Wow Garrett this is an amazing vision for a self portrait. To me it shows that you are the fearless knight slaying the dragons. What amazing courage and so you!! PopPop
- PopPop on November 19, 2020
Very interesting art work Garrett. Looks like a major battle going on.
- Margie on September 30, 2020
This is actually pretty SCARY!!! I love it. What is it made out of?
- Bob on May 6, 2020
Garrett, Great us of natural and local materials for your artwork!
- PopPop on May 6, 2020
This unique design is very interesting. Great job! Can't wait to see more.
- Margie on May 6, 2020
Garrett, I was zapped by how good your art work is. Good job. Keep it up. Poppop -- Bob