Jase634's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Jase634's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I just love this one! It is literally coming off of the page at me. Keep up the good work!
-- Kara (Mom)
- on May 31, 2018
Hey lilman I love it I can see people that do parkour having a blast. Keep up the good work.
-- Aunt Pooh “Cindy”
- on May 30, 2018
That looks great! I am SO proud of your hard work and dedication on this one! ~ Love, Mom
-- Kara
- on April 26, 2018
Dude, that is awesome. Great work
-- Chad
- on April 26, 2018
Real good lilman love the 3 d look,keep up the good work.
-- Aunt Pooh
- on April 26, 2018
Hey lilman great job,feet and hands are bigger because they are the closest . Great job on falling away project.
-- Aunt Pooh
- on March 28, 2018
Such an awesome job! So proud of you! Love, Mom
-- Kara
- on March 27, 2018
Hey lilman not sure what this is I keep looking and my imagination runs away could be several things,I love the shadowing that’s what keeps me wondering, keep it up.
-- Aunt Pooh “Cindy”
- on February 21, 2018
Wow I love the colors lilman and it has a lot of depth one close and big then smaller ones in the back ground,way to go keep it up.
-- Pooh
- on February 21, 2018
Wow I love the colors and it has a lot of depth lilman,one close and big then smaller ones in the back way to go.
-- Pooh
- on February 21, 2018
Uh-oh! Looks like it crashed...? Love, Mom
-- Kara
- on February 15, 2018
That's cool Little Man! I like your style! Keep up the good work!
-- Uncle Troy
- on February 13, 2018
Hey Lilman I like this, it’s cool how you have the exhaust smoke blowing down like the truck is moving,real good.
-- Aunt Pooh
- on February 13, 2018
That is cool, Lil Man! I like it a lot! I think maybe we could sell this and make us a little spending money... Whatcha think? I love you buddy! Keep up the good work!
-- Uncle Troy
- on February 12, 2018
Very nice ribbon, bud!
-- Mom
- on February 12, 2018
Doing a great job!
-- Mom
- on February 12, 2018
Way to go buddy. Your Mimmie loves them too
-- Chad
- on February 6, 2018