Sean, Your sun is fabulous! I can't wait to bring it home and frame it! Love, Mom
- on January 13, 2009
Sean, Now this one looks more like a monster.... Uncle!
- on October 31, 2008
Hey Sean! Pretty cool mask. Did you use your sister as the model? Uncle Rusty
- on October 31, 2008
AWESOME artwork Sean! Keep it up!
- on October 30, 2008
Sean, Your mask looks great! I love the big blue feathers and the red eye! Keep up the magnificent work. Love, MOM
- on October 29, 2008
This mask ROCKS!
- on October 11, 2008
Way to go on your collage Sean! I love the lightening! Love, MOM
- on October 11, 2008
Sean, I can't wait to hang up your Klimt Tree of Life. It is beautiful! Keep up the great work! Love, Mom
- on October 11, 2008
Sean, Your tints and shades mask looks amazing! It reminds me of an image on a totem pole! I relaly like that you painted it purple! Love, Mom
- on October 11, 2008
Sean this is awesome! Ritch says it's "wicked sweet" and I say it's really cool! I love the spiral tree branches and the colors you chose are really great!
- on December 9, 2007
Sean...Your Klimt tree is magnificent. I love the cool colors you used! Love, MOM
- on December 9, 2007
Hey Sean, I like the lizard you made.It has good color. Your Buddy, connor
- on December 24, 2006
Sean, Keep up the good work. When I retire you can help support me, famous artist make big bucks. Hugs from Aunt Kathy
- on June 27, 2006
Sean, I really like your artwork. My favorite is the collage with your hand and the flowers. If you ever have some spare time, you could make me one to hang in my room. See you soon! VAL - the gum lady!
- on June 27, 2006
Great job....boy I can't even draw stick figures and so this stuff is great..... Your friend Goofy mommy...(carolann)
- on May 10, 2006
Hi Seany! That lizard is really awesome...I love his big smile. :) Also, the hand holding the flowers is beautiful, maybe a good present for your mom on mother's day? hehe :) You're a great artist! Love, Cousin Laura :)
- on May 9, 2006
Sean, Very, Very Cool! Wait til the kids see your artwork!! Wow, you and Alissa better consider selling art instead of lemonade this summer!! Excellent! Mrs. Pam K.
- on May 9, 2006
Hey! Your artwork is very nice...I like the chameleon and the flower the best. Were you thinking of your Mom or Dad when you drew the chameleon? Uncle Rusty
- on May 9, 2006
I love the art work!
- on May 4, 2006
These flowers look as beautiful as the ones we grow in our garden. I can't wait to take this art piece home and hang it up!
- on April 24, 2006
Beautiful job on your basket Sean. The colors you chose look fabulous together!