Hi Jessica! This is just beautiful! It's a Happy, Party, Dancing face! Great job! Keep em comin'! Love you. Aunt Shelli -- Michele
- on October 14, 2011
Jessica! That is absolutely beautiful! I'd love to see how you did it one day. Good job! I love you, Aunt Shelli -- Shelli
- on February 7, 2010
Dear Jessica, this is a wonderful painting! I love the colors and he has such a kind face. Beautiful work! You keep it up! Love, Aunt Shelli
- on November 13, 2009
Hi Jessica! I love your new piece! I'm glad to see you are continuing to do artwork. You will be very good by the time you are my age! HA! I wish I had kept doing it all my life. It's harder to begin again when you get older. Keep up the good work! Love, Aunt Shelli
- on November 6, 2009
This one is my favorite! Beautiful work, Kaitlyn. Hope to see you soon!
- on November 6, 2009
Hi Jessica, This is VERY GOOD. Your work just gets better and better. I love the bright colors. Love Grammy and Papa
- on February 18, 2009
Love the Puppy Jessica!!!! I will have to frame this one and put it in my office at home :)
- on March 13, 2008
Dear Jessica, Once again, you have done a great job! Love the heart and puppy. Makes me think of my dog Cody. I sure do miss him. Anyway, good job and we love you! Aunt Shelli
- on March 13, 2008
Jessie, your work just gets better and better. This one is really PRETTY. I love the colors you used. Keep up the GREAT work!! Love, Grammy & Papa
- on January 12, 2008
Dear Jessica, your new artwork is fantastic! I love the colors and the frog is so cute! Keep up the good work. I'm saving all of your work in a special folder in my artwork forlder. Love you! Aunt Shelli
- on January 11, 2008
Love your frog and fish! You did a great job! Hugs from Elin and her mom.
- on January 11, 2008
Oh, Jessica! THIS is my favorite! It's absolutely beautiful! You could put that is our art gallery, it's so nice. Keep up the good work! Aunt Michele
- on November 14, 2007
Dear Jessica, Wow! Another great painting! You are doing so well! Such nice treasures for your Mom and Dad to cherish. All made by your little hands and heart. I love seeing them. Aunt Shelli
- on March 21, 2007
Dear Jessica, this is a very good picture! I love the 2 sided effect. Keep up the good work! Love, Aunt Shelli
- on March 21, 2007
Jessie, this is excellent. You are REALLY doing good. Love you, Grammy and Papa
- on March 21, 2007
Hi Jessica, boy you are REALLY doing good! That is a wonderful cat face! I LOVE it! You always use such pretty colors. Keep up the good work and have a very merry Christmas! Love, Aunt Shelli
- on December 20, 2006
Dear Jessica, I just LOVE this one! It's your first portrait. I haven't even tried yet to do one. I have one of my granddaughters that I want to do, but havent' gotten started. My last one was a bulldog! Anyway your new art is fabulous! I would love for you to do one for me for my "favorite nieces" file! Keep up the good work! Love, Aunt Shelli
- on December 20, 2006
Dear Jessica, This one is the best of them all! I love it! I'm so proud of you and I hope you continue to do art work all of your life! It is a wonderful thing to have talent and you sure do! Maybe I can come viist the first of the year and spend some time with you all. Love to all, Aunt Shelli
- on September 22, 2006
Hi Jessie You are doing better and better. This picture is REALLY good. Keep up the good work!! Love and kisses Grammy and Papa
- on April 30, 2006
Great work Jessica! I'm so proud of you! Great Gram C. ordered a tee shirt and we got it already! It's beautiful and she will wear it when she goes to lunch with all her lady friends. I think you must have gotten your talent from your Grampa Dieter! He would be so happy that you are an artist! Love, Great Aunt Shelli
- on April 18, 2006
Jessica you are a GREAT artist!! Love Mom
- on April 9, 2006
Hey Jessie, this artwork is just OUTSTANDING!! Keep up the good work. Grammy and Papa.