Isaiah13509's Comments (33)

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Below are comments about Isaiah13509's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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- Brenda (Mother) on August 23, 2023
Wow looks amazing love the details
-- Delesha
- on May 9, 2018
Your shade,shadows, and detail is outstanding. Keep up the good work. Dad
-- Foster
- on April 30, 2018
Amazing work keep it up
-- Delesha
- on March 10, 2018
Do you know What comes to mind when I see this drawing??? The Harlequin Romance Novel .... not that I've read them or anything. But I remember stocking them on the shelves and women would come looking for the next book in the series.... You got an eye for detail...this makes you say... HMMMMM!!!
-- Deb
- on March 10, 2018
There's so much to admire in this's a 3 in 1. The horseshoe with netting and feathers attached resembles a Native American dream catcher, even though it's not a completely closed circle as dream catchers are; the ribbon flowing gently around the top and mid section of the cross; and the detailed centerpiece...THE CROSS. A lot of detail and thought went into this drawing .... It's just an AMAZING PIECE OF ART. You're moving on up and it shows in your drawing!!! Continue on putting forth the effort and soaring high like an eagle.
-- Deb
- on March 10, 2018
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, nothing needs to be said about what she is feeling like, it's is displayed in the picture. Good job!
-- Sidney
- on March 7, 2018
Good job nephew, looks like some type of Egyptian artwork. Outstanding! Keep up good work.
-- Sidney
- on March 7, 2018
I think that this is a good drawing because the artist used different patterns to bring attention to the cross.
-- Micheal
- on March 7, 2018
wow ! your really very talented keep up the good work. your making it very difficult to pick out one
-- Lonnie
- on March 7, 2018
I really like the shield. Great job !
-- Lonnie
- on March 7, 2018
This drawing really details the jawline and the face structure. I love how define the eye lashes are and how detailed the earrings are. Great work!
-- Lynn
- on March 6, 2018
This drawing is detailed to perfection. The jawline is so detailed and define. It really shows the structure of the face.
-- Lynn
- on March 6, 2018
This picture is so perfectly drawn. I like how fine the hairs stands is perfectly drawn and the eye glasses are so cute. This is a masterpiece.
-- Lynn
- on March 6, 2018
I love the details in this portrait.... her hair, the glasses and her eyes being closed as she waiting for that special kiss from her beau with her lips puckered up. But then it could also be she's indulging herself with some good smelling food with her favorite dessert....and saying "OOH-LA-LA" like the M&M's commercial.... I love it!!!! You'll have to let me know if I guessed this one you're the ARTIST and I'm an Admirer of your artwork.
-- Deb
- on March 7, 2018
This lady reminds me of my high school teacher from way back when. You did a fantastic job! Keep up the great work and don't ever stop!!! You're truly an J.J. Evans would say.... "DYNOMITE"
-- Deb
- on March 6, 2018
Very nice the lady seem to be having a deep thought about something ..I like the hair and neck structure. ..MoM
-- Brenda
- on March 6, 2018
This drawing is so good. It captures every single detail of the face and hair. It's really define perfectly sketched. Awesome job!
-- Lynn
- on February 18, 2018
It took time and patience to do this drawing and it shows...Look at that face structure very detail marvelous work on this picture She looks so real ......Love You , MOM
-- Brenda
- on February 12, 2018
Nice Job Brother
-- Jamar
- on February 11, 2018
-- Brenda
- on February 11, 2018
Awesome ! ! ! We stand behind you all the way. Keep on during what you like to do and that's drawing ! ! ! LOVE, MOM
-- Brenda
- on February 11, 2018
While watching the slideshow of all your artwork scrolling across my computer screen, guess what keeps coming to mind each and every time this drawing is displayed??? "REMEMBER THE TIME" by Michael Jackson. Looking at this drawing and then youtubing this video .... Oh My Gosh!!!!! W-O-W ... that's something else! Now that's pure talent when a drawing can bring to remembrance something so simple as a song that you haven't heard in a while. VERY IMPRESSIVE, Nephew!!!!
-- Deb
- on February 4, 2018
Wow! When I thought this portrait couldn't get any better than the original one. I love the way you made the background stand out .... it really enhanced this portrait... Keep on perfecting your work!!! You're doing an excellent proud of you and your accomplishments!
-- Deb
- on February 4, 2018
A proud strong intelligent young man whom eyes seem to be wise yet weary.
-- Lonnie
- on January 24, 2018
Wow, look at the details of this drawing. It looks like a sketch from a professional sketch artist looking to identify a lost or missing little girl. Nephew, you got skills!!!
-- Deb
- on January 24, 2018
This drawing is Fabulous!!! Not only does it display a portrait of woman but it also gives you a sense of her mood, how she's feeling. It speaks volume. If a story had to be written, no words would be needed because this drawing says it's all. This would fit perfectly into a picture book especially for those who don't like to read or doesn't know how to read.
-- Deb
- on January 24, 2018
Wow!!! Look at the details and the way this art is portrayed! I love this piece .. especially how you incorporated the animals by both ears...that's truly an intricate design.... LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!
-- Deb
- on January 24, 2018
You're truly talented and gifted! This is a fantastic piece of work ... looks like the original artwork. So very proud of you nephew, continue on perfecting your gift from above.
-- Deb
- on January 24, 2018
Fantastic ! ! ! Love that bottle keep up the good work .It shows you love what you do ( mom) So Proud Of You ! ! !
-- Brenda
- on January 24, 2018
Beautiful little black girl!!! We love all of the artwork!!! Keep using your talent!!
-- Kristen&Uncle Mike
- on January 24, 2018
Uncle Mike and Aunt Kristen really like this one! Very talented nephew!!
-- Kristen&Uncle Mike
- on January 24, 2018
-- Kristen&Uncle Mike
- on January 24, 2018