I like your use of colors and lines. I can't wait to see it from all angles.
- Kristyn (Mother) on October 17, 2024
I love your attention to detail in this piece. I love the inspiration of our family pets.
- Kristyn (Mother) on October 17, 2024
I need you to show me how to do this on the computer. Impressive!
- Kristyn (Mother) on October 1, 2024
I am impressed by your 3D forms. Keep up the good work! The checkboard is a nice touch too.
- Kristyn (Mother) on October 1, 2024
I like how you depicted some of your favorite things. Nice job outlining. I also like how you added a little gray to the clouds. It helps them look 3D.
- Kristyn (Mother) on September 5, 2024
Impressive! Great job on your shading and highlights.
- Kristyn (Mother) on December 13, 2023
I love your Gummy Bear!
- Kristyn (Mother) on December 13, 2023
That's really gook Kelsey!!!!!
- Mike on December 13, 2023
- Mike on December 13, 2023
I love your textured alpaca! Your details with oil pastels really make it pop. Reminds me of our trip to the Alpaca Farm.
- Kristyn (Mother) on January 26, 2022
Wow Kelsey, this picture beautiful. I think it’s my favorite picture you made so far. Don’t stop making your artwork because it is really good.
- Great Grandma Dorothy on January 26, 2022
Hi Kelsey, just Grandma again. I wanted to tell you how beautiful I think your heart design is, it’s lovely. I can see you worked very hard on it and it would be nice to give it to someone you loved on Valentines Day. Keep up the good work. ??
- Great Grandma Dorothy on January 26, 2022
Good work Kelsey. You always do good work. I like how your picture shows depth, the way you made the lines on top of each other. “Kelsey’s flaffy alpaca” is very cute too”.
- Great Grandma Dorothy on January 26, 2022
Oh my, what an eloquent looking kitty cat, very fancy! I love the rug she is sitting on; such a pretty choice of colors??
- Great Grandma Dorothy on January 14, 2022
Nice job Kelsey
- Mike on January 14, 2022
Hi Kelsey, I like your picture very much ?? I know you like kitty cats, I do too. This one you made looks like she is winking at me; is she? It’s a cute and colorful picture.
- Great Grandma Dorothy on January 5, 2022
Hi Kelsey, I see you did some kitty artwork this time. I like it and I think this kitty cat is winking at me. I think I will wink ?? back at the kitty. So cute Kelsey??
- Great Grandma Dorothy on January 5, 2022
So pretty Kelsey; I love it ??. Your artwork keeps improving all the time????
- Great Grandma Dorothy on January 5, 2022
Love your artwork Kelsey!
- Karen on January 5, 2022
Great picture Kelsey! Nana is proud of you!
- Karen on October 6, 2021
And Hi to you too, Miss Cat Fish, or should I say Meow. You are so cute. I hope you like swimming in the water too, like the fish part of you does. Haha, I am being silly.
- Great Grandma Dorothy on October 6, 2021
nice job Kelsey!!!
- Mike on October 6, 2021
Well, I always love rainbows, so you make me happy today. I like how the rainbow is up in the clouds. Also love animals! I feel like it’s a celebration going on in this picture, with the pretty different colored tents with flags on top. Very fun picture to see.
- Great Grandma on October 6, 2021
Oh, I didn’t see this one before. It’s so cheerful, the house colors and all the yellow roofs just make me feel happy; thank you!
- Great Grandma on October 6, 2021
Hi Kelsey, If you printed your own name, you did a great job. Well, this picture you made reminds me of the zoo. Lots of different animals. Now, I want to go to the zoo. I love animals so much; Gods creations. I wonder if you like them a lot too.
- Great Grandma on October 6, 2021
Alright Kelsey, you got me this time! I know it’s a beautiful rainbow and it looks like the rainbow is raining or maybe it’s crying, but I never heard of a crying rainbow, ha ha. But, underneath the rainbow you got me, I don’t know what it is. I did notice how very well you put the colors in the rainbow together, gradually changing them in order; very good!
- Great Grandma on January 23, 2020
Very interesting picture. I am wondering how did she make this??? It looks like a big city at night time . I hope I am right! LU Sweetie
- Great Grandma on January 23, 2020
This is a very interesting painting; I think it’s a painting. I am trying to think of how it was done. It reminds me of Winter.
- Great Grandma on January 13, 2020
This is a very nice Christmas wish. So well done. I really like the reindeer. Make sure you have a Merry Christmas too. ??
- Great Grandma on January 13, 2020
Wow Kelsey, that is really pretty. I like how you made the stems of the flowers, so that they look like her hand is above them and ready to pick them up. Very good work Kelsey ??.
- Great Grandma on January 13, 2020
Hi Kelsey, you did it again, you made a beautiful, delicate picture. The colors are so pretty and they go so well with each other; GOOD JOB!
- Great Grandma on January 13, 2020
I love the designs you added and how you layered the paper. Way to go!
- Kristyn (Mother) on October 14, 2019
Hi Kelsey, this is more good artwork from you Kelsey. I really love the colors you choose to put together and your designs. Keep up the good work. LU Great Grandma
- Great Grandma on October 2, 2019
Kelsey, this is excellent. I love all the Christmas pictures you have been making. Santa looks like he’s saying, “Ho Ho Ho”, is he? You are five years old now, congratulations. You will be starting school soon and I hope you like it. It is exciting to learn many new things. LU Kelsey -- Great Grandma
- on January 23, 2019
This picture is so cute Kelsey; I just love it. You are getting really good at your artwork. Rudolph the Rednose reindeer was very well made and I like your candy cane too with it’s pretty bow. I wish I could eat it up right now. LU Kelsey -- Great Grandma
- on January 23, 2019
Wow, this is so good. I didn’t get this one before, so I just saw it. You are becoming a young artist. The bug you made is scary. I am glad he isn’t crawling on my arm, but it’s okay if the pretty butterfly does. Keep up with your beautiful artwork. I really enjoy seeing it. LU, Great Grandma -- Great Grandma Dorothy
- on October 31, 2018
Hi Kelsey, It made me so happy this morning when I got your so, so pretty picture. And I love your purple flower with the yellow in the middle of it, with the sunshine; it just cheered me up today cause I was sad, now I am happy. Purple is one of my most favorite colors. Thank you sweet girl. LU, Great Grandma -- Great Grandma Dorothy
- on October 31, 2018
This looks like a pretty bird. I hope I am right. If I am wrong, don’t laugh at me. LU SWEETIE -- Great Grandma
- on May 2, 2018
Kelsey, I really like looking at your artwork and I wonder , did she do that all yourself , because it’s so good. The colors are nice too. Pink and purple too; those are some of my favorites. I wonder what your next one will look like. I guess I will have to wait and see. LU -- Great Grandma
- on May 2, 2018
Hi Kelsey, I wish I could sit down with you and talk about your pretty pictures. Lots of interesting, colorful designs. I wonder what you are thinking. LU Sweetie, Great Grandma -- Great Grandma
- on May 2, 2018
Hi Kelsey, I was so surprised to get art work from you. How fun that is for me and I really like your picture so much. It is an interesting picture and I had to study it because you have so many colors and different designs. I bet you are fun to be with and have lots of fun ideas of things to do. LU Sweetie -- Great Grandma