Lilliana40464's Comments (34)

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Below are comments about Lilliana40464's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very cute! I love your art work!
- Helen (Mother) on June 11, 2024
Thank you so much Lilliana! I love being your mom!
- Mom on May 15, 2024
I absolutely love this!!!!!!
- Billie on April 10, 2024
You are such an amazing artist. So proud of you!
- Mom on October 4, 2023
I love you so much!
- Helen (Mother) on May 12, 2023
This is so beautiful! Great job!
- Helen (Mother) on May 3, 2023
You are such a talented artist! So proud of you!
- Helen (Mother) on February 21, 2023
This is amazing! Great job!
- Helen (Mother) on December 14, 2022
Ooohhhhhh I love this!!!
- Billie on December 14, 2022
Very creative, good job!
- Steve on October 21, 2022
Fantastic job!
- Helen on March 9, 2022
This is amazing!!
- Mom on December 22, 2021
This is amazing!
- Helen on December 1, 2021
This is amazing ??
- Steve (Father) on October 6, 2021
You are an amazing artist!
- Mom on October 6, 2021
Thank you so much sweetheart! You are such an excellent artist and I am so proud of everything you do! Love, Mommy
- Helen on May 5, 2021
You are such an amazing artist! I am so proud of you!
- Helen on March 31, 2021
This is so good sweetie, glad you are more artistic than your parents!
- Steve (Father) on March 29, 2021
Lilli I love all your art work! You do a wonderful job and hope you continue to enjoy being a artist.
- Billie on March 3, 2021
You are so artistic! Keep up the good work!
- Dad on January 27, 2021
Beautiful angel Lilliana! Love, Mommy
- Helen on January 27, 2021
Awww you are an awesome artist! I think I need a tshirt with the unicorn!
- Billie on March 25, 2020
This is so good! Keep up the good work!
- Steve (Father) on March 11, 2020
Love it Lilli! You are very talented!
- Helen on March 11, 2020
You are amazing!
- Helen on February 26, 2020
Looks amazing, great job Lilbugg!
- Steve (Father) on February 13, 2020
Beautiful artwork Lilli! We are very proud of you!
- Beth & Steve on December 7, 2019
This is amazing baby, you've doing so well!
- Steve on December 7, 2019
You are very creative and artistic, keep up the good work!
- Steve (Father) on November 19, 2019
Always love your artwork! Keep up the good work!
- Helen on November 19, 2019
You are such a good artist!
-- Steve
- on April 3, 2019
That is amazing Lilliana! I am so proud of you!
-- Helen
- on April 3, 2019
Looks amazing Lilli keep up the good work!!!
-- Steve
- on October 31, 2018
Very nice work! So proud of you!
-- Helen
- on January 3, 2018