Hunter21466's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Hunter21466's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hunter we love your artwork, your picture is very nice you did a good job. We enjoy seeing your artwork, keep up the good work! Gma Sue & Gpa Jerry
-- Sue
- on April 10, 2019
Wow Hunter, Ggma Sue just seen your latest art work what a good Valentine picture great job Hunter I love it!
-- Sue
- on February 11, 2019
Wow Hunter, you did something real neat again, Ggpa & I really enjoy all your projects we get to see! Ggpa Jerry & Ggma Sue!
-- Sue
- on October 17, 2018
Hunter good job very colorful for spring, GPA & I enjoy your pictures at school, keep up the good work!!!
-- Sue
- on May 3, 2018
Hunter your picture is great, it gives a spring feeling with all the bright colors, good job, Ggpa & I think you draw very good!
-- Sue
- on April 11, 2018
Oh my gosh Hunter that is a really neat Easter egg you did, Gma Sue & GPA Jerry really like it you did a good job!!
-- Sue
- on March 19, 2018
Very cool Hunter Mommy love's it very much... Great job...
-- Sam
- on March 15, 2018
Hunter your new heart art work is beautiful, you did a great job Ggpa & I enjoyed it. Keep up the good work !!
-- Sue
- on February 27, 2018
Hunter you did a great job... Mommy really love the colors that you used...
-- Sam
- on February 22, 2018
This must be dad and mom's truck with your boat, already for a family fun day, good drawing Hunter!
-- Sue
- on January 30, 2018
Hunter great job, looks like you are ready for this cold weather with those nice mittens!
-- Sue
- on January 30, 2018
Great job Hunter, it looks like you are ready for spring with that boat picture so you can go fishing with dad, mom & brother!
-- Sue
- on January 30, 2018
Hunter you are showing signs of great art skills, just like me...
-- Sam
- on January 24, 2018
Well I see you got your art skills from your mom. Good job buddy
-- Justin
- on January 24, 2018
Great Job Hunter, Mommy love's it...
-- Sam
- on January 24, 2018
Wow that's awsome
-- Justin
- on January 24, 2018
Great job Hunter, Brrrr it looks like winter! Grandma Sue
-- Sue
- on December 13, 2017