I like your spacial relationships. Some procative shapes, and some nice open spaces. Kind of minimal too, which is harder to do (well) than it seems, huh? I love you! - Auntie Noel
- on May 14, 2007
Your understanding of shading is wonderful and so very creative. Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma
- on March 28, 2007
Hello! Does this work have a title (...not that every work needs one)? Reminds me of Riley. I'm rather dumbfounded by the complexity here. You are saying a great deal in one work of art. Many people believe that art has the capacity to convey [clear] messages. Others would say an artist is conveying one or more emotions in his/her art. Sometimes, as here, you are doing both. Whatever drives you, stay true to your own feelings about your art. I love you, Merry Christmas!! Noel
- on December 31, 2006
Corey...you are amazing! I sure hope you make being an arstist your goal in life. You are a natural. Love you, Aunt Kathy
- on December 21, 2006
Hi Corey, Your drawing is really cool, artistic and has great graphics. My mom ordered me a T-shirt of Kakashi which I can't wait to wear. Your cousin, Brendan Plus, my mom ordered two magnets- the elephant and the New York - Japan
- on October 26, 2006
Hi Corey, I knew you were good but I'm totally blown away at how talented you are. I think they are all brilliant but I really like this one, and the one with the elephant, oh and the red one with the hands, and of course your personal gallery is out of this world too!!!!! Each one is better than the next, you are really gifted. Can't wait to see what you do next! Keep up the awesome work, and thanks for including us. Elaine, Sean, Ryan and Kial. (Dublin, Ireland)
- on October 26, 2006
Corey, this is exquisite! You convery the delicate way the hand is holding the small object, but also express the strength in the hand. One of your best Yet!
- on October 19, 2006
Cool!!! Will you show me how you did this when I come next time? Love you, Suzzi Q
- on May 15, 2006
Re the Elephant, "Untitled", very impressive!!! I especially love the way you have denoted the light source in this picture. Great!
- on April 30, 2006
Very different and inovative. Good form and color blend.
- on April 24, 2006
Very good perspective and mature subject for a 7th grader.
- on April 24, 2006
Hi Cory, Wow I have missed some of your work, I wonder why I wasn't notified? Anyway, it is amasing. You recieved your Mother's artisic ability to be sure. I feel like Suz, I had better purchase something now while we can afford your work. My daughter Des also likes to draw items along these lines. You two should get together. :-) Hugs, Aunt Kathy and Uncle Richard
- on April 23, 2006
How very beautiful and soft! You still amaze me. Grandma
- on April 17, 2006
Wow Corey, each time I think I have a new favorite you blow me away with a new one. When your mom told me about the elephant, the first thing I did when I got to work this morning was look up your site and I'm just mesmerized. Did the book we give you at Christmas help with some of your work? I hope so. I really love this one. Aunt Shauneen
- on April 17, 2006
You have a firm understanding of light and the shadows it creates. That is not a simple thing to master.
- on April 17, 2006
AMAZING DUDE!! I can't believe the level of detail in your work. You are blessed!!
- on April 17, 2006
Corey! Please tell us something about this work. What were some of your thoughts while making it? Is it a paper collage or paint (if so, what kind of paint)? I really LOVE it!! Guess what? I'm going to buy some of your art now, while I can still afford you ... hee hee. I love you! Suzzi Q
- on March 23, 2006
Corey- UNBELIEVABLE.....your work has progressed from a weekend hobby to something amazing. You are blessed with an incredible gift. By the way....you should try making an album of work set to the tune of "Women" by Foreigner (inside joke with your mom). Love you lots.
- on March 20, 2006
CoreyBoo - You are getting better all the time and you amaze me!! Here's something new for you to try that will hone your skills: put your paper in front of you, upright if possible, then look at what you'll be drawing (your subject), start drawing. Try to keep your eyes on your subject at least 75% of the time or more. It will feel awkward at first, but you are training your mind-eye-hand in drawing what you are actually seeing (not whatever tricks your mind wants to play, or what you think you see)... does that make sense? Remember, 75% or more as a goal. The truth, your subject, is right in front of you. I love you! Suzzi Q
- on March 20, 2006
You're truly gifted Corey! I love the title too.
- on March 17, 2006
WOW Corey... I am so impressed! This is wonderful work! Those swords he is holding? Are they the ones we gave you for Christmas? tee hee... Keep up the good job, can't wait to see more. Aunt Kathy and Uncle Richard
- on March 17, 2006
Corey! WeI knew you were good, but this is incredible! Love, Grandma