Jackson20238's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Jackson20238's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Jackson, this is a nice piece. Love your uses of color and varied shapes. You can be many things and your art will always Keep you sane and happy. Well, maybe being sane all the time is over rated. Keep doing art.
-- Tutu
- on February 15, 2018
You are so creative, and I love that you are learning new types of art. xo
-- Kylisa
- on February 12, 2018
Jackson = baseball. This needs to go up on your wall. :)
-- Kylisa
- on February 12, 2018
I'm so proud of you! This is beautiful and I can't wait to see it in person.
-- Kylisa
- on February 12, 2018
Jackson, I love this piece you've done. My favorite so far. Fun to use my imagination to see all kinds of things happening in it. Mostly it makes me think of under water. So much action. Looks like you had a fun time painting it. LOVE you!
-- Mor
- on February 12, 2018
The baseball is very cool--very YOU!
-- Mor
- on February 12, 2018
I like all the colors you used! Your design would make a cool fabric. Thanks for sharing! Love you!!!
-- Mor
- on February 12, 2018