Christian24137's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Christian24137's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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ChristIan, what beautiful artwork of your tree. I love it, you did such a good job. Nona and Pep and Gram
-- Sharon
- on May 22, 2019
I love this picture Christian! You are such an amazing artist!! Love you
-- Kerin
- on June 4, 2018
Christian-Wow, what a great artist you are. Can't wait to see more and to order a keepsake gift to show off your talent. Love, Nona, Pep and Gram
-- Sharon
- on May 29, 2018
Good job, Buddy! I think this one is my favorite. You're such a talented artist. Keep it up! Love, Auntie Posie and Uncle Eddie
-- Kaela
- on May 29, 2018
Christian, Mommy and Katie Rose love all your artwork pictures! You are such a great artist! Love you buddy!
-- Kerin
- on May 29, 2018