Finnegan437's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Finnegan437's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is a unique view of nature. The artist shows a way to view nature as organized in the minds eye. Clever!
-- Lorri
- on September 11, 2019
What is going on in this picture?
-- Jane
- on September 11, 2019
The sky is so blue! Love, Mum
-- Mum
- on May 23, 2019
Great work. I love how you worked so hard on the tree and all the other art work. Love, Mum
-- Mum
- on May 23, 2019
I love "Mouse Color Wheel!" The colors are very vibrant. I like wondering what the mice are thinking as they share this cracker they found. I like the variations in their features such as their eyes, noses, whiskers, tails, and ears. The blue mouse is my favorite. I think he is a boy and he looks like he might be the oldest; maybe he's the leader of the group? He looks friendly and wise.
-- Colleen
- on May 23, 2019