Jaylen2930's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Jaylen2930's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Jay you are getting better and better! Stay focused kid you can do anything!
-- Megan
- on April 10, 2018
Jaylen I’m so proud of you kid!!! First year in art and you are showing me all these skills I didnt Know you had! Keep up the good work. Listen in class and try to new things. The possibilities are endless! ????
-- Megan
- on March 6, 2018
This is awesome jay! So proud of you
-- Megan
- on December 26, 2017
Jaylen this is awesome! I’m so proud of all your hard work and determination to succeed at something new!
-- Megan
- on December 9, 2017