This is really good! The detail is so good and the shading, everything is in good proportion!! What great talent you have,Leah!
- Carol on April 14, 2021
Good job Leah!!
- Carol on April 14, 2021
Love this!
- Diane (Mother) on March 4, 2021
Wow!! I really like your bird house! That is really neat and a cute idea! Good job, Leah!!
- Carol on March 3, 2021
Leah, we absolutely love your last piece of art! It is very pretty and has so much detail!! Great work of art!! We are so proud of you!
- Carol on March 3, 2021
Good work Leah!!
- Carol on January 20, 2021
Good job Leah!! Great talent!!
- Carol on October 21, 2020
Fun to see your creations, keep up the good work!!
- Carol on September 30, 2020
I like the yarn buddy, good job Leah!!
- Carol on May 22, 2020
What a nice picture, your depth perception is very good and the shading and beautiful sky!!
- Carol on May 13, 2020
Very good job Leah!! looks very nice!
- Carol on May 13, 2020
WOW!!! That is really a great piece of art, Leah! So impressive! Keep up the good work.
- Carol on May 13, 2020
Great job on the origami hen and giraffe!!! they are really cute!! Carol
- Carol on April 9, 2020
Very nice job of braiding! Looks great! -- Carol
- on March 27, 2020
I love the painting of the heart, you put a lot of time and thought into it. It is very pretty!!! -- Carol
- on March 13, 2019
I think these look amazing! -- Diane
- on January 14, 2019
Great job Leah!! -- carol
- on January 14, 2019
Great shading effect! -- carol
- on January 14, 2019
Beautiful work,Leah! That is so nice and I am very patriotic so I really like that and also your comment about veterans. May God bless them all!! -- Carol H
- on January 14, 2019
Another great piece of art Leah. You are very talented and I am so proud of you! -- Carol