Ella this is another amazing picture. I am so so so proud of you. Keep up all the great work. Love Daddy.
- daniel (Father) on November 27, 2019
Ella. I love your art work. I think we are going to have areal artist in the family at last. Love nana Bridie.
- Bridie on November 27, 2019
WOW Ella!! This is a brilliant skeleton! I love the colors you used to make it fun!! Well done, another great picture! Great job! Keep creating this amazing pictures. So proud of you! Mammy xxx
- Linda (Mother) on November 19, 2019
Ella, this is a beautiful picture!! Well done. You are so good at art and I can’t wait to hang this up in our kitchen! Well done !! Love you, Mammy XXX
- Linda (Mother) on October 22, 2019
Ella this painting is amazing well done keep the great work up... love daddy.
- daniel (Father) on October 22, 2019
Ella that is a great painting. Well done we hope to see lots more. Great job.
- Daddy on October 23, 2019
Well done Ella! I love all the colors!! Keep up the great work - mammy xxx