Jonah4535's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Jonah4535's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is beautiful!!!!!!
- Tara (Mother) on May 15, 2024
Very creative, would like to know what emotion u were expressing:)
- Tara (Mother) on April 26, 2024
Nice ice cream cone splat:) or.. shark tooth;)
- Tara (Mother) on February 6, 2024
- Tara (Mother) on May 2, 2023
Great job honey, you will jave to tell me about it!:)
- Tara on May 10, 2023
This is really good sweetie! Can't wait till u can tell me about it!:)
- Tara (Mother) on January 19, 2023
This is so cool honey!!!! U did a great job!!!!!
- Tara on January 19, 2023
Way to go sweet heart, this is very well done!:) Love getting these so I can see them!!!!:)
- Tara (Mother) on October 12, 2022
Love this sweetie, great job!!!!:)
- Tara (Mother) on February 3, 2022
Cool drawing sweetie!!!
- Tara (Mother) on December 21, 2021
I love this "monster", I enjoy having your art projects to look at!:) Thank u sweetie!!! Mommy loves u!!!
- Tara (Mother) on May 4, 2021
Love this ?
- Tara (Mother) on March 30, 2021
I can tell u worked really hard on your map, I have really enjoyed having it on our fridge:( Great job honey, luv u!
- Tara (Mother) on January 26, 2021
Wow Jonah, this is really cool. Its so colorful!
- Tara (Mother) on December 4, 2020
I love the bobble head dragon you made Jonah!
- Tara (Mother) on November 11, 2020
I love your art work honey, Mommy is so proud of you!!!! So creative:)
-- Tara
- on May 14, 2019
Oh Jonah, I love this, such a great job honey! I really enjoy getting to see your artwork on here!:) Luv, Mommy
-- Tara
- on May 7, 2018