Another great work of art, Maddie!! I can't wait to see it in person!! Love you!!
- NaNa on February 26, 2020
All these streaks of color make me feel like I’m looking into the sky when the wind is blowing autumn colored leaves in a whirlwind
- Jim on February 26, 2020
Very weird looking fish with a large mouth. It must be from very deep in the ocean. Your thumb prints look like dark purple scales that certainly helps it hide from other fish. You created a very interesting new species. Love, Papa
- Jim on February 26, 2020
I love the colorful performers in front of the crowd that is enjoying the show. Your picture tells a wonderful story
- Papa on January 29, 2020
Maddie, Another great work of art! Your figures look like they are truly alive!! I love it!! I love you!!
- NaNa on January 22, 2020
Maddie, this is so neat! The figures look like they are dancing. Great job, honey! I love it! Love, Mom
- Katie (Mother) on January 14, 2020
Oh Maddie, even your monsters are full of love! Great detail! I love it! - NaNa -- Lindy
- on March 20, 2019
This is so cute, Maddie! I love how happy you look. I love it! Love, Mom -- Katie
- on March 7, 2019
Oh, Maddie!! I LOVE your self portrait!! You are so talented, and happy!! I love you so much, Nana -- Nana
- on March 7, 2019
Maddie, Another great work of art! It makes me hungry! Let’s go get ice cream sometime!! Love you, NaNa -- Lindy
- on October 11, 2018
I love this, Maddie! You did a great job making the texture of the ice cream! It makes my hungry! Great job sweetie! -- Mom
- on October 10, 2018
Maddie, Your ice cream cones look so delicious! I want to eat them before they drip off the page. Love, -- PaPa
- on October 10, 2018
Great job Maddie!!! -- Aunt Mindy
- on September 26, 2018
Maddie, I LOVE your Fall Leaves artwork! Did you know that Fall is my favorite season? You captured it beautifully! You are such a good artist! I love you!! NaNa -- NaNa
- on September 23, 2018
Maddie, I love your colorful drawing of leaves. You made wonderful use of fall colors and have lots of detail inside the leaves. You created another beautiful picture! Love, PaPa -- PaPa