Bradley4827's Comments (39)

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Below are comments about Bradley4827's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Bradley, your clouds look so happy. Hope you are too. Grandma H
- Mary on December 9, 2023
I really like this picture. You did a great job. Grandma D loves seeing your art.
- Connie on December 9, 2023
Great art work Bradley!! I love all the colors you use. You are very talented!
- Rebecca on December 9, 2023
Bradley, your American Gothic picture is great. While school is closed, you can do more artwork at home, and ask Mom to email them to both Grandmas. Love you.
- Grandma H on December 9, 2023
Really nice-who are the people. Great work and colors. You are getting better all the time.
- Grandma Connie on December 9, 2023
Grandma missed seeing this art before but I really like the view. The skylines can be really beautiful. You are doing great work.
- Grandma Connie on February 18, 2020
Bradley I really like this blue dog. He looks a great little dog. I bet you could have lots of fun with him. Keep up the good work-love seeing your art work.
- Grandma Dress on February 18, 2020
Love all the beautiful fall color leaves! Great job Bradley!!!
- Rebecca on February 5, 2020
Great job Bradley! Hope you have an amazing art class this year!!
- Rebecca on February 5, 2020
Bradley I love ?? the colors in this piece. I really love seeing all of your art work. Wish I lived close to you so I could view them in person. You are doing great work. Love ?? you. Grandma is proud of you.
- on February 5, 2020
So Beautiful - Love all the bright colors?? Bradley, you did an awesome piece of art! This is my favorite!!
-- Rebecca
- on February 5, 2020
Very pretty rainbow fish. Our snow is melting and fishing season is coming soon. But our fish in Currie Lake are not so colorful.
-- Grandma Mary
- on February 5, 2020
Bradley, Great colors for the monster in your backpack!!!
-- Rebecca
- on February 5, 2020
Bradley I like your drawing but grandma hopes you don’t have a monster in your backpack ??. You are doing great work. Love ?? you
-- Grandma Dress
- on February 5, 2020
Bradley, Love the beautiful snow scene!! All the different shades of blue are amazing. You are an awesome little artist keep up the great work!!
-- Rebecca
- on February 5, 2020
Bradley I love this picture but do grandma a favor and keep that snow up there. I like snow but don't want any here. The snowmen look real spooky in this picture. You are doing so great with your art work. Grandma Dress loves you and loves seeing all of your work.
-- Grandma Dress
- on February 5, 2020
Bradley, Love your snowman, he sure is Cool looking! Great job!!!
-- Rebecca
- on February 5, 2020
Great snowman. He made me smile.
-- Grandma Mary
- on February 5, 2020
Bradley, Love all the beautiful bright colors you used!!! Great job!!!
-- Rebecca
- on February 5, 2020
Bradley you are doing some great work. Love all the colors. Grandma is so happy to be able to see all your work. Love you so much.
-- Grandma Dress
- on February 5, 2020
Great job Bradley! Love the turkey you made?? Especially the colors of the feathers!!!
-- Rebecca
- on February 5, 2020
Bradley, I really love this drawing and all the beautiful colors you used! Keep up the great work!!!! Aunt Becky
-- Rebecca
- on November 10, 2018
Bradley, you are a great little artist! I love the house you drew, especially the front door, it is so cute!!!! Looking forward to your next drawing!!!! Aunt Becky
-- Rebecca
- on November 10, 2018
Bradley is that a ghost? Is the ghost coming for Halloween-hope he is a friendly ghost. Love your art work. Grandma loves seeing your work.
-- Connie
- on November 10, 2018
You are doing great. I love the colors and I see you are learning to stay inside the lines more. Great Grandma and I love seeing your artwork. Love you, Grandma Connie Great Grandma Boots
-- Connie
- on October 16, 2018
Fantastic colors Bradley! Love your amazing art?? You are a very special little artist - Great job!
-- Rebecca
- on July 25, 2018
So happy to see another great art piece. Love the colors-looks like it was a really big wave. Grandma lives seeing how you are doing at school and I always show Great Grandma who loves them too. She really loved getting the coffee mug with one of your art pieces on it for Christmas. Keep up the good work. Sending our love from Louisiana.
-- Connie
- on May 2, 2018
Bradley, you are my favorite little artist!! Brilliant colors - Love the Waves !!! Reminds me of the beach, which I love to visit!
-- Aunt Becky
- on May 2, 2018
I really like the mice and wonderful colors. The colors you picked are some of my favorites. You are doing a really great job and grandma loves your work and you. Love you-Grandma D.
- on March 21, 2018
Love this snowman. He is all decked out top hat, scarf, and lots of pretty buttons. You are doing great work-keep it up. Love you-Greandma Dress
-- Connie
- on February 28, 2018
Love the colors you used. Your doing great.
-- Connie
- on January 10, 2018
You are doing some great art work. Grandma D. Is so proud of you.
-- Connie
- on January 10, 2018
You must be enjoying art. I love all the different designs and colors. I hope to see many more interesting art pieces from you. Keep up the good work.
-- Connie
- on December 12, 2017
Very impressive Bradley!! I really love all of the colors they are so beautiful!! You are a great little artist!!!
-- Rebecca
- on December 9, 2017
Wow. So many colors. Great job.
-- Grandma Mary
- on December 9, 2017
Bradley, Love all the beautiful and amazing colors, the design is awesome! Great job!!
-- Rebecca
- on December 6, 2017
Bradley, you have beautiful colors in your artwork. Is the center a pumpkin or the harvest moon? Hope to see you soon.
-- Love, Grandma Herzog
- on November 8, 2017
Great work Bradley, Love all the beautiful fall colors! Looking forward to seeing your next piece of artwork??
-- Rebecca
- on November 1, 2017
I really like your art work. I’m very happy to be able to see what you are doing at school since we live so far apart. Keep up the good work. Grandma D loves you.
-- Connie
- on November 1, 2017