Khloe1711's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Khloe1711's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Khloe, your art work gets better and better. Great work!! Proud of you. Gma G.
-- Millie
- on February 6, 2019
I love your creativity my sweet girl! Keep up the hard work! Mom
-- Tennille
- on January 9, 2019
Khloe, this picture is absolutely beautiful. G-Gma and G-Gpa are so proud of you. Great work!!! Love you.
-- Millie
- on January 9, 2019
This is beautiful and colorful!
-- LeeLee
- on January 9, 2019
Khloe, we are so proud of you. Your art work is great. Gets better and better and they've all been so good. Love this one you just did. Love you so much. Grandma G.
-- Millie
- on January 9, 2019
Oh my gosh, Khloe, this is so so good. Your getting better and better each art work you do. Love you lots!
-- G-Gma G.
- on May 5, 2018
Your such an artist!!!
-- LeeLee
- on March 21, 2018
I love the patch work heart Khloe you did so well with the colors and I love that it looks like a quilt. I am so proud of your hard work. -mom
-- Tennille
- on February 7, 2018
Khloe, Your art work keeps getting better every time. Love the bird, clouds, rain and the whole picture. What a great job!! Keep up the great work. So proud of you. Gma and Gpa Loves you lots.
-- Millie
- on February 7, 2018
This is gorgeous art work. They are all great but can see how your getting better and better. So very very proud of you.
-- Millie
- on December 27, 2017
Khloe, gma Greene is so proud of you and your art work. Your getting to be such a big girl. Love you lots
-- Millie
- on December 27, 2017
Wow Khloe you are such a great artist!
-- Kelly
- on December 27, 2017
What a great job you did Khloe!!
-- Kelly
- on December 27, 2017
YOU are becoming a great artist!!!!!
-- Lee Lee
- on December 13, 2017
This is beautiful Khloe!!!!! I love it! You are an artist! Keep up the good work girl! Love you!
-- Lee Lee
- on October 22, 2017
You did such a great job. "Great Monster picture"! Proud of you.
-- Grandma G.
- on October 22, 2017
What a good job Khloe - that is a very scary monster.
-- Gramma Kelly
- on October 21, 2017