Good job my baby girl. You know purple is mum's favorite color. -- Nathalie
- on February 28, 2018
Malkia, the orange color dominates in the odd picture. Not sure how I feel about that. I like the blue peeking through. Would have love to see a little more of it in the picture. Also love the texture the paper give to the piece =) Nice Jon! -- Aunt Lisa
- on February 10, 2018
I love this color combination Malkia. I can see this made as an African cloth for a beautiful traditional dress. Can’t you? -- Aunt Lisa
- on February 10, 2018
Looks like a beautiful day with this true blue sky. The red bird on the branch is a great contrast. -- Aunt Lisa
- on February 10, 2018
Your art work has a Vango flair Malkia. Love it! Keep up the great creativity. -- Aunt Lisa