Our Dear Sweet Kiersten, Papi and I love your "Kindness Koi Fish" artwork, with the `be a friend...`, quote! Very very nice work, sweetie! TYVM for sharing with us! Love you much! HUGSXOXO Grammy and Papi ??????
- Grammy on October 20, 2021
I've always enjoyed our gdaughter's very creative artwork! Full of imagination and vibrant color× way to go, sweetie! We love you, Grammy and Papi
- EdieJane on January 13, 2021
I love the mix of lines. Smooth flowing against the triangular shapes
- Eric on October 16, 2019
Oh wow Kiersten! Love your artwork, sweetie! Keep working hard! Love you much! Grammy and Papi! -- Edie
- on February 27, 2019
Lovely work Kiersten. Nanoo -- Sandy
- on February 6, 2019
Kiersten, this is so colorful and quite interesting! I'm intrigued and draws in my attention! Nicely done, Sweetie! Hugs, Grammy and Papi -- Edie
- on January 2, 2019
Kiersten, I do love this piece of artwork. It reminds me of your big heart, honey! Keep showing us your creations! Hugs, Grammy and Papi! -- Edie
- on January 2, 2019
Well done Kiersten ; I love it! -- Nanoo
- on April 25, 2018
I ordered a print of this one too. Fantastic color scheme. Their art teacher is showing them great ideas. Way to go K -- Eric
- on April 18, 2018
What a masterpiece Kiersten. Worthy of the pool room! -- Nanoo
- on April 18, 2018
Will we visit this enchanting little town one day? I hope so, little one! Love, Papi! -- Papi
- on January 3, 2018
This will be part of a lovely bouquet, sweetie! Such an artist you are becoming! Love, Grammy -- Grammy
- on January 3, 2018
A future old master if ever I saw one. -- Stephen
- on November 10, 2017
This is colorful and beautiful, Kiersten! You're such an artist, Sweetie! Keep painting pictures for Papi and I. Love you, Grammy -- Grammy