Dear DJ, was so glad to see some more artwork from you! What a unique design. Love ya, Great Grandma Geach. Keep it up!!!
- on October 9, 2009
Dear DJ I went back to look at your previous pictures and I really enjoy seeing them all again. Keep up your wonderful work and I look foreward to seeing some more pictures from you Love Mema
- on May 6, 2008
Dear DJ It is good to know you have not forgot the space theme since you are into that kind of stuff. The picture is great! Love Mema
- on May 6, 2008
Dear DJ I like this. You did a very good job of detailing.It looks very good. Love Mema
- on May 6, 2008
Dear DJ I like this picture. It is simple and still a good example of your creativity. Glad to see your imagination going to good art work. Love Mema
- on May 6, 2008
Dear DJ, This is just too cute! Your thoughts are really awesome. Keep up the good work
- on May 6, 2008
Dear DJ, Hey, sign me up for a ride on this space shuttle. I like the two pencil looks on each side. Love, Great Grandma
- on May 6, 2008
Dear DJ, When I first saw this I thought it was a rock. Your Mom said grapefruit, sooo I'll have to talk to you about it. Love, Great Grandma
- on May 6, 2008
DJ, Like the caveman-oo-oo-oo. Love, Great Grandma
- on May 6, 2008
You did a great job making this spaceship so real. You have truly learned alot in art class. I am so proud of you. Love, Mom
- on May 14, 2007
This is you when I wake you for school sometimes. Just joking. I really love this picture and think it one of the best you have done so far. Love, Mom
- on May 14, 2007
I would definately this grapefruit. But wait....I just remembered I don't like grapefruit so I guess I will just look at it and imagine it is a good tasting grapefruit. LOL Love, Mom
- on May 14, 2007
hi this is molly. Alex's sister...Alex is your birth brother.
- on May 14, 2007
DearDJ This is very very good. I really like it. Love, Great Grandma
- on April 7, 2007
Dear DJ, This piece of art is very colorful and uniaque. I think you did a wonderful job on this. Keep up the good work you do on all your art!!!! Love, MeMa
- on April 7, 2007
Dear DJ, Your Barksdale AFB deer are too cute!!! Love, MeMa
- on April 7, 2007
Dear DJ, I think you did an excellent job on your details in this picture. I would not have thought of making the candle holder look like lead crystal. Very Good! Love, MeMa
- on April 7, 2007
This loaf of bread looks good enough to eat DJ, I like it. Love, MeMa
- on April 7, 2007
DJ, This picture is so simple but also so cute. keep it up. Love you, Mema
- on April 7, 2007
Dear DJ, This is a really great scene, you seem to have captured the thought quite well Love, MeMa
- on April 7, 2007
lokks fantastic ! Love, MeMa
- on April 7, 2007
Dear DJ, I had a chance to look at your newest pictures in your Portfolio. Everything looks so wonderful. I especially like the mosaics!!! But you do a terrific job on all of your artwork!!! Keep up the great job and I will be looking forward to seeing more. Love, MeMa
- on April 7, 2007
Wow DJ, You are really a great artist. I am very proud of you. All of these are really fantastic. Keep it up!!! Love you, Aunt Theresa
- on September 7, 2006
This reminds me of the time when we tried to make a snowman which turned out as a pyramid of snow with twigs for arms and pennies for a face and his buttons. Also reminds me of yall throwing snowballs at each other and make family snow angels. I can't believe how well you are drawing. You amaze me with your talent and artwork everytime. Keep up the great work DJ and know that I am extremely proud of you. Love, Mom
- on September 7, 2006
I am amazed at what detail this has. Even though I am your mom and have patience for alot of things drawing this would make me lose it really quickly. I love you and am extremely proud of you. Please keep on drawing these wonderful things and I will keep showing them to all of my friends. Love, Mom
- on September 7, 2006
DJ, This piece of artwork really took imagination! I like it! It looks like the ocean in the background with a mountain or volcano that has spilled over towards the front. Keep up the great work! Love, MeMa
- on March 12, 2006
I absolutely love all the detail you did in this artwork. I am so proud of you and would like to tell you to keep up the excellent work. I am so proud to be your mother. -- from Mom
- on March 4, 2006
Dear DJ, Your artwork is outstanding. I am very impressed and know you will turn out to be a great artist. I am looking forward to seeing your future art. Love, Great Grandma Geach -- from Great Grandma Geach
- on March 4, 2006
Dear Donald, Your new design is very interesting. Keep up the great work. -- from Miss Calcote
- on March 3, 2006
Dear D.J. , This is a great picture! It is wonderful that you can draw something like this. I will be looking for more drawings you do. Keep up the great work !!! Love You, and Kris ! MeMa -- from MeMa
- on February 12, 2006
Dear D. J. , I just got to look at your artwork. It is great!! I am so glad that you were able to get into this club. You are very creative and talented. Keep up the good work!! I look foreward to viewing more of your art! I will pass I will surely pass the word about this sight to every- one. Love You! -- from MeMa
- on February 12, 2006
Dear Donald, I love your two pictures. I especially like the interesting titles you thought of. The first picture of the snowman with the bugle makes me very happy. Keep up the great work. -- from Lisa Calcote
- on February 12, 2006
This is such an excellent drawing and I am very proud of how much you have learned in art class. -- from Mom
- on February 12, 2006
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia! -- from Artsonia