Harper2709's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Harper2709's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This has so many shapes and colors. Very interesting and it is cool how it pops out at you!
- Blake on January 24, 2024
Love the solar system! Well done :)
- Uncle Blake on January 24, 2024
Wow! That is so colorful and balanced, very nice! :)
- Blake on January 24, 2024
That’s awesome I love the way you mixed it up! Love, Mom
- Lindsey (Mother) on December 14, 2022
Looks beautiful! Nice job, Harper! ??
- Aunt Marcia on November 2, 2022
I love this drawing!!! Great job, Harper! ????
- Aunt Marcia on November 2, 2022
This is awesome sis! We should frame it!
- Lindsey (Mother) on October 28, 2022
Nice job Harper. what a great picture ??
- Aunt Kristy on November 2, 2022
Love it Harper! So cute!
- Lindsey (Mother) on October 18, 2022
Picasso, I love it!
- Lindsey (Mother) on March 8, 2022
Beautiful picture Harper??
- Aunt Kristy on January 26, 2022
Beautiful Harper!
-- Lindsey
- on March 24, 2018
Beautiful Harper! ??
-- Mom
- on December 7, 2017