Margaret3377's Comments (53)

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Below are comments about Margaret3377's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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So interesting
- Barb on May 22, 2024
Very good work Margaret
- Gigi on April 24, 2024
I like the colors!
- Barb on March 6, 2024
Nice blending of colors
- Gigi on March 6, 2024
Love it!
- Barb on February 14, 2024
Cute kitty Margaret!
- Mima on January 17, 2024
How cool is that!
- Barb on November 15, 2023
So interesting Margaret! Love the donut!
- Barb on October 25, 2023
Wow! How interesting!
- Barb on May 17, 2023
I love your choice of colors against the black background!
- Nana on April 5, 2023
Awesome! Love the colors you picked!
- Kiki on April 5, 2023
Wow! Your picture is stunning!
- Barb on March 29, 2023
This is really cool! I particularly like the eyes. The colors are striking too!
- Nana on February 15, 2023
Wow! What a great piece of work! Love the Colors!
- Barb on February 8, 2023
Love, love, love your picture, makes me want to go camping!
- Barb on January 4, 2023
I love the camping scene and the comets in the sky! Beautiful!
- Nana on January 4, 2023
Love this! How cool!
- Barb on November 30, 2022
Wow! This is really spooky Margaret! The guy in the middle looks like a witch doctor!
- Nana on November 30, 2022
Wow! So interesting the way you merged the shapes and colors!
- Barb on October 26, 2022
This is so cool Margaret! I love the combination of sharp and wavy lines.
- Kiki on October 19, 2022
I LOVE this Margaret! This would make beautiful wallpaper!
- Nana on October 12, 2022
Yikes! I can imagine this dragon peering through a bush at me! The eye is SO realistic! Great work!
- Nana on June 8, 2022
Wow love the detail! This is so cool!
- Kiki on May 11, 2022
Love the colors! Very cool.
- Kiki on May 11, 2022
Great colors! Nama
- Nana on May 11, 2022
Love the animal artwork Margaret...especially the green eyes!
- Barb on May 11, 2022
Very cool Margaret! I love this animal’s green eyes!
- Nana on February 16, 2022
Love, love, love your spooky silhouette!
- Barb on December 15, 2021
Ooh! So spooky! Great work Margaret!
- Nana and Papa on December 15, 2021
So cool! Love the colors.
- Kiki on October 6, 2021
Beautiful work Margaret! I love all the colors!
- Barb on October 6, 2021
Great work, you are so talented
- Gigi on September 29, 2021
Nice work Margaret
- Gigi on March 11, 2020
Great work
- Gigi on March 4, 2020
Margaret, this is my favorite of all your artwork! I love the mountains, grass, and water! Beautiful!
- Nana on February 26, 2020
Great job Margaret! Very creative
- KAREN on February 26, 2020
Margaret, this is beautiful! So perfect for Valentine’s Day!
- Nana on February 12, 2020
I love all the different colors you used in the hearts!
- Barb on February 12, 2020
Beautiful work Margaret! Great use of colors!
- Karen on February 12, 2020
Beautiful work Margaret!
- Barb on January 15, 2020
Margaret, what a creative way to show the color wheel! I love it!
- Nana on January 8, 2020
Great Job Margaret
- Karen on January 8, 2020
Great job! So creative love it
- Karen on December 4, 2019
Keep up the beautiful artwork Margaret!
- KAREN on November 20, 2019
Very creative Margaret. I love the different textures. Keep up the good work!
- KAREN on November 7, 2019
I love your spotted fish!
- Nana on November 6, 2019
Margaret, your poppies are spectacular! Did you know that the poppy is California’s state flower?
- Nana on November 6, 2019
Very cool Margaret! Great job!
- Kiki on October 23, 2019
Wow Margaret I really like all the colors you used for your fish! The tail reminds me of a spin wheel. Great job! Love, Kiki
- Rita on October 23, 2019
I love the colors Margaret - beautiful!
-- Barb
- on September 24, 2019
Love your spider Margaret!
-- Mima
- on December 26, 2018
Such a cute penguin!
-- Barb
- on April 18, 2018
Wow! I love your cat Margaret!
-- Barb
- on April 18, 2018