Ethan35729's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Ethan35729's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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We love all the different shapes and then the underwater animal images. Your color choices are also very interesting!
- Susan on May 9, 2024
Very nice! I especially like the color of the bulbs and the background blue Nice Work!
- Susan on May 2, 2024
Ethan, your work is so expressive! We love it! Your Great Aunt Suzy
- Susan on May 2, 2024
Beautiful colors! Nice work on the ferns very realistic bird!
- Susan on May 2, 2024
Another great art piece Ethan! Very creative.
- Susan on May 24, 2023
Very interesting. Love it Ethan, great picture
- Susan on February 15, 2023
We’ll done Ethan!
- Susan on February 15, 2023
Love your fall leaf Ethan! Beautiful art!
- Susan on February 15, 2023
This is a great picture Ethan!
- Susan on August 17, 2022
Very creative! Colors and geometric designs are great!
- Susan on June 22, 2022
Another favorite!
- Susan on June 22, 2022
This is so beautiful! The color choices are wonderful and the depth perception is well done! Great picture Ethan! Love You!
- Susan on June 22, 2022
Ethan, this cardinal is beautiful! It was one of your great grandmother Gates favorite birds.
- Susan on June 22, 2022
Hi Ethan, This is a great drawing! Green and purple are my favorite colors. Love, Auntie Susan
- Susan on June 22, 2022
Ethan this is beautiful!
- Auntie Susan on August 18, 2021
Wow, how interesting and creative!
-- Susan
- on November 14, 2018
The colors are a beautiful combination and it looks like jelly fish are having fun!
-- Susan
- on March 28, 2018
What an imagination! He is going to be a fashion designer in NY like his cousin Krista! Not many snowmen are this cool and dress so well! Beautiful!!
-- Auntie Suz
- on February 28, 2018
Ethan your turkey is one of the best I've ever seen. Beautiful job!
-- Susan
- on December 14, 2017
So beautiful!!!!!!!
-- Kara
- on October 22, 2017