You made some really funny hearts Noah!! Good job! Happy Valentine’s Day to you!!
- Grandmom on May 5, 2021
I love your bright colors,Noah! Such a happy flower! Love from Grandmom xoxox
- Eileen on May 5, 2021
Love your scarecrow,Noah! His jacket is really colorful!
- Grandmom on May 5, 2021
This is my favorite picture of yours from the year!!! Great job Noah! It really looks like you!!! -- Eileen
- on May 5, 2021
Really good job Noah! I like your cat very much!! Love, Grandmom xoxox is -- Eileen
- on May 5, 2021
This is our favorite artwork yet! It put a smile on our faces. Great job. We are very proud of you. Love you. -- Grammy & PopPop
- on May 5, 2021
I love what you’ve done in this picture Noah! It looks like you really enjoyed making it! Keep on having fun with your art!! Love Grandmom xoxox -- Eileen
- on May 5, 2021
The colors you worked with are very similar to colors that were used by the Famous Vincent Van Gogh, and he has always been my favorite. NOW YOU ARE! Great job. I'm proud of you. Love you. -- Grammy
- on May 5, 2021
Noah, What a great piece of artwork! I love all the colors you used, and your owl is beautiful. I will be looking up in the trees for him. Job well done. I love you. Grammy xoxoxoxo -- Grammy
- on May 5, 2021
Noah, I just loved your puppy picture! You are quite the artist. Your puppy would be a nice playmate for Riley. Love you, Grammy xoxo -- Grammy
- on November 29, 2017
Loved your Halloween pumpkin artwork! Super scary but fun too. Great job Noah! Love you xoxo -- Grammy, PopPop,& AJ
- on October 16, 2017
Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year! And your pumpkins make me so happy it's coming soon! Great job Noah! xoxox -- Grandmom