Wesley4339's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Wesley4339's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I just got my new notebook with this cover. It looks really cool!!
- Auntie Julie on August 2, 2023
YES what a great idea, a Wes-made shotglass!! LOVE IT!!
- Auntie Julie on August 2, 2023
Looks like the shot glasses we all collect! Wish he had made another one!
- Sharon (Mother) on July 18, 2023
this one I LOVE and I'm going to order some ornaments and a new notebook!!
- Auntie Julie on February 1, 2023
Hi Wes I love all of your latest artwork, very creative!!
- Auntie Julie on February 1, 2023
I love your new artwork Wes!! I was just thinking how much I love the tiles and notebook I have!! Love you!!
-- JuJu
- on February 1, 2023