Wow, You are such a good Artist Aiden :) Look at those sharp teeth.. So realistic and the colors are perfect. -- Gail
- on November 14, 2018
Wow this is really really good! Perfect shape of the bug in detail and perfect shape of the jar.. You did such a good job, I am so Proud of you Aiden.. Very good colors too.. Pretty :) -- Gail
- on November 14, 2018
Love Hearts :) Love all the pretty colors of the hearts.. The hearts are perfect shape.. You did an awesome job cutting them out. -- Gail
- on November 14, 2018
Wow Pretty colors.. Love all the colors of the rainbow and the pretty colored stars :) Good Job Aiden. -- Gail
- on November 14, 2018
Wow Aiden, You draw really well.. So proud of you.. I like the way you draw the eyes and eyebrows :) -- Gail
- on November 14, 2018
Love the realistic use of colors in the bug! -- Miranda
- on February 20, 2018
One of the best turtles I have ever seen created! Love it! Aiden should be very proud of his creativity!! -- Miranda