Hi Lily, you know how much we love your artwork and your latest joins the ranks with all your other fabulous works! Please keep them coming!!! Love Suzie and Poppy -- Susan
- on May 8, 2019
We always look forward to your new art work Lily. You never disappoint! Your Money's water lillies is beautiful! I think it's so cool you are learning about all the great artists! Love Susie and Poppy -- Susan
- on May 8, 2019
Nice work again Lily. I think Daddy called you Lily VanGigh last year. Too funny!!! -- Susan
- on May 8, 2019
Your artwork is as cute as a pickle and makes me happy as a lemon. Nice work Lily!!!!! -- Susan
- on May 8, 2019
Lili your art work is getting better and better every day Love it . This looks like Bob's tank and seems to have friends in it with him. Keep up the good work Lilipoochica ! -- Poppy
- on May 8, 2019
Your new artwork is as cute as a nickle and makes me happy as a lemon. Lol Keep up the great work Lily!!! -- Susan
- on May 8, 2019
Lily, your new artwork made us very happy. The love you have in your heart makes a beautiful picture. You are the best!!!!! Love S&P -- Susan
- on May 8, 2019
Hi Sweet Lily. I love your new artwork!!! You are such a great artist! I can’t wait to get my order to add to my Lily Art Collection. I love you sweetheart to the MOON AND BACK . -- Barbara
- on May 8, 2019
Hi Lily, Poppy and I just got your new artwork. This time we got the magnet and of course the cards. We love them. Thank you!!!!! Suzie -- Susan
- on May 8, 2019
Lily I love your portrait!!! Great job !!! -- Barbara
- on May 8, 2019
This is beautiful. You even look great as a blonde! -- Susan
- on May 8, 2019
Beautiful! You look great as a blonde! -- Susan
- on May 8, 2019
This is one of my favorite things, Lily's artwork! Nice job Lily, it looks great on our wall! -- Susan
- on January 11, 2018
I just received Lily's latest art work. It just keeps getting better. Thank you! I will treasure these artworks always? -- Suzie
- on January 11, 2018
Hi my sweet Lily , I am so excited about your new art work"The Minion" it is AWESOME!! I can't wait to get my new mug and framed Minion????. Great Job! I love you to the Moon and back. -- Nonna
- on January 11, 2018
Hi Liliana, I love your new artwork! You are a great artist! The colors and shapes are really special. I can't wait to get a mug with your art on it! Love you sweetie! Nonna?? -- Barbara
- on January 11, 2018
To My Lilipoochica, I'm Sooooo Proud of the art work you are doing it is very easy to see how much better you are getting at it ... So proud of you Lili. Love you Big time. -- Poppy
- on January 11, 2018
Lily, your bird artwork is a masterpiece! Bravo. I can't wait for my stuff to come. I just love it! Thank you!!!!! -- Suzie
- on January 11, 2018
To my Lilipoochica, I love your Great art work it's so colorful and full of red and green grapes lolol love you to moon and back Love Poppy -- Poppy
- on November 1, 2017
Lily Van Gogh! It's beautiful, and very colorful. Keep up the good work! -- Daddy
- on October 27, 2017
I just received the my order from Artsonia. Very happy! Nice work Lily!!!!! -- Susan
- on October 25, 2017
Lily I love your beautiful art work! You chose such happy beautiful colors that make me smile! The border you drew is very pretty ! You used your wonderful imagination to make a lovely picture. I am so proud of you . I love you to the moon and back baby girl?? -- Nonna
- on October 25, 2017
I just made my first order. I'm very excited! -- Susan