Bronwyn147's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Bronwyn147's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Bronwyn, You are an artist! All of your artwork shows how your talent keeps getting better and better. I love to see your art. Thank you for sharing. You are gifted! Sending love, Grandma Janice
- Janice, Grandma Janice on April 19, 2024
Bronwyn, Pa and I think you did an amazing job on this project! Your half of the portrait looks exactly the same as the original!! Faces are so incredibly difficult to draw. We hope you think about taking art classes in high school. You have artistic talent that you should continue to develop!
- Grandma I-I and Pa on April 3, 2024
I am amazed by the detail in your drawing. Great work, Bron. Keep at it!
- Aunt Megan on April 3, 2024
Bronwyn, you are our budding family artist!! We love how the colors pop out and make your character seem 3 dimensional!! You need your own gallery at home for all your artwork!
-- Grandma I-I and Pa
- on April 26, 2019
We love your picture of your starry night! You are a future VanGogh artist!! We hope it's hanging in your bedroom or house for everyone to see and love!
-- Aileen (Grandma I-I & Pa)
- on January 9, 2019
Hi Bronwyn, I love these fish. They are now a magnet on my refrigerator so I can see your art work every day! Love you, Grandma Janice
-- Janice
- on December 27, 2018
Those are great fish, Bron! Good job!
-- Lindsay
- on December 20, 2018
Wow Bronwyn, this is another great picture!! I love the expression on the face!! Great job!! Can't wait to see it hanging proudly at your house.
-- Aileen
- on January 4, 2018
Oh Bronwyn your picture is awesome!! I feel like your bird is looking right at me! You used the design elements very well and your bird really stands out. We're so glad your school shares your artwork with us. I hope your picture is put into a frame and hung at home!
-- Aileen
- on November 16, 2017