Liking this too!! How did you decide on the shapes you cut?? Love this…love you more?
- Grandma And Grandpa(fan) on February 5, 2025
Awww this is pretty too! You are quite the artist!! Great job!!
- Grandma And Grandpa(fan) on February 5, 2025
Notan….what does that mean Emily? Folded paper?? That looks so cool you cut and fold out!! Love your colors! Was this hard to do without ripping the paper or completely cutting off shape?? Keep up the great artwork..we love seeing all that you can create!! Beautiful work! Beautiful you.
- Grandma And Grandpa(fan) on February 5, 2025
Oh how pretty Emily!! What a perfect quilt for Christmas! I think you should make a real quilt like this and snuggle under it! It would keep you warm in this very cold weather!! Keep making beautiful artwork! You do such nice work!! Proud of you, keep working hard and having fun!!! Love and hugs and Merry Christmas to you?!
- Grams and Gramps on January 30, 2025
Stencil Chalk Design How very pretty Emily!! Loving the subtle colors you chose!! Was it fun working with chalk? Bet you had some pretty hands!! Was it hard working with stencils? Gramps and I surely enjoy seeing all your beautiful artwork…keep working hard..keep having fun making all kinds of different artworks! You rock! Love and hugs
- Gram and gramps on January 30, 2025
Hi Emily!! If I remember right this is a picture of Mt. Kilimanjaro! Would you like to visit there some day? It is in Tanzania…in Africa! It would be a very long trip!! Like how the trees stand before the mountain…do you know what kind they are? Love your work artist Emily! Love you!
- Grandma And Grandpa on January 30, 2025
Very nice landscape picture Emily! Would you like to climb that huge mountain? Kilimanjaro! Big word too!! The trees look like they are doing well…nice view of the mountain…climb on up and take in the beautiful mountain!! Keep making beautiful artwork! You do so very well…an artist in the making!! Love and hugs to you!!
- Gram and Gramps on October 31, 2024
Very nice landscape picture Emily! Would you like to climb that huge mountain? Kilimanjaro! Big word too!! The trees look like they are doing well…nice view of the mountain…climb on up and take in the beautiful mountain!! Keep making beautiful artwork! You do so very well…an artist in the making!! Love and hugs to you!!
- Gram and Gramps on October 31, 2024
Very pretty Emily! I see you used one of your favorite colors…teal…am I right? Are you ready for the leaves to change and fall...which brings cold and snow and winter? Keep making beautiful pictures for Gramps and I to enjoy! You are a very talented artist! We love you! Here’s a BIG hug sent your way too!
- Gram and gramps on October 3, 2024
WOW Emily this is very nice!! Lots of fun in your life…busy busy girl!! I want to hear all the great, fun stories behind all of your pictures!! Keep doing beautiful artwork, you have a gift! How’d you get to be in seventh grade already !! Yikes!! Love and hugs Gram and Gramps!!
- Gram and gramps on September 23, 2024
Loving your cityscape Emily! Would you like living in the city? Up in a high rise apartment…the stars in your sky are very pretty..I can see them twinkling!! The colors you chose are nice too! Here’s to another great year of beautiful artwork Emily! We can tell you enjoy your art class! Enjoy your summer! Love you!!
- Grandma and grandpa on May 23, 2024
Hey Emily! Loving the fish! Just like you have at home! What do you think you would find under the sea?? Love the colors! Love you!
- Grandma and grandpa on March 13, 2024
Emily this is sooooo very pretty! I love your colors! Was it fun to work with foil? Hard to work with it? You did a wonderful job! Keep making artwork that make the world more beautiful! Love and hugs to you!!
- Grandma and grandpa on February 23, 2024
Looks cold! Too cold for me!! How about you? The great tundra!
- Grandma and grandpa on January 31, 2024
What a beautiful tundra scene…loving the sky and very cute cottages. Would you live there? We love to see all of your beautiful artwork! Was this paint? Keep making beautiful pictures! Love and hugs to you!
- Grandma and grandpa on January 31, 2024
Beautiful Emily! Merry Christmas to you! This lovely angel is watching over all of us? We can’t wait for you to come to see us at Christmas! See you soon! Love and many hugs!!
- Grandma and Grandpa on January 3, 2024
Rainforest River Canoe! WOW …so cool…colorful..full of animals! Love this! You even have a sloth…so what do you think the cat in the boat is thinking? Is he afraid of the alligator..or is it a crocodile?? How far down the river was he going??You did such a good job and I’m sure it was fun to do too!! Keep having fun making great pictures for Gramps and I to enjoy! Love you!!
- Grandma and Grandpa on November 27, 2023
Emily this is so beautiful! Love the bear and am sure you do too as you are such an animal lover! Grrrrrrrr…the colors are so bright and pretty! Is this paint? Keep working hard and having fun creating beautiful works of art! Grandpa and I love them all!!! Love and big bear hugs!!
- Grandma and Grandpa on November 8, 2023
WOW! This is so very nice Emily! Love the colors…bird of prey! Is this paint or chalk…you did such a very nice job! Gramps and I love your artwork! Please keep making such beautiful art! Love you!!
- Gram and Gramps on September 27, 2023
What a beautiful, colorful, wonderful Japanese bridge! Your colors are sooo pretty! Was this fun to draw? Did you use chalk? I would love to walk over that bridge some time…want to come with me?? Love and hugs!!
- Grandma and Grandpa on May 24, 2023
WOW! This is a very cool hippopotamus! Can you spell that…I love your background color and all the different patterns on your pet! Keep having fun..keep making beautiful artwork! Love and many hugs!!
- Grandma and Grandpa on May 17, 2023
Miss Emily this is just such a beautiful piece of artwork! I love how you put a heart in the middle of the cross! Was this hard to do? Did it take you a long time? You did such a wonderful job! Proud of you! Keep making beautiful works of art! Love you! Love and hugs!!
- Grandma and Grandpa on April 5, 2023
Such a nice vase! Can you make one for our new duplex? Keep making beautiful artwork…we love to see it! Work hard! Have fun!!
- Grandma And Grandpa on March 1, 2023
God is love! Had to go back to see what this project was. Very nice example of what His love is for all of us! Jesus loves you! We do too!
- Grandma and Grandpa on March 1, 2023
Emily this is so pretty! The colors are so bright and pretty! Did you use paint? Have fun always and work hard on every project! We love you! Sending lots of big, big hugs!
- Grandma and Grandpa on March 1, 2023
Ohhhhh so beautiful Miss Emily…looks like you dancing around your room! You are a fairy princess…love the colors..your sparkles! You do such pretty artwork! We love to see your work! Did you like the music from the Nutcracker! Christmas is coming fast! Can’t wait to see you! Your presents are all wrapped! Love and many hugs!!
- Grandma and Grandpa on January 4, 2023
We really like this…so cool looking! Wouldn’t it be fun to go and see them in person? I love how you made them look 3D..was that hard? Like the sky too…you did such a great job! Proud of you! Keep having fun and working hard! Love you!
- Grandma and Grandpa on November 16, 2022
Oh Emily how beautiful! We love all your bright, pretty colors you chose! Was this fun to do? Keep making beautiful pictures for us to enjoy!! We love you!
- Love and hugs, Grandma and Grandpa on October 19, 2022
Love this Emily…love you! This is the cover for your sketchbook… is very cool! Love the colors you chose…maybe I can see your sketchbook at the end of the year…fill it up with beautiful pictures! Beautiful just like you! Love and hugs Miss Emily! Keep up the great artwork!
- Love Grandma and Grandpa..and a BIG hug! on October 19, 2022
What beautiful marigolds Emily! They are one of my favorite flowers! I love your background colors too….did you have fun in class painting this?? Keep making such pretty pictures for gramps and I to enjoy! We love you! Hugs.
- Grandma And Grandpa on December 22, 2021
Good morning African lizard! He is your new pet, Em? He looks a little afraid..I think you need to bring him into your bedroom and find him a good place to rest! Keep making beautiful pictures for gramps and I to enjoy!! Love and hugs!
- Grandma and Grandpa on December 15, 2021
Cuteness Emily! Love the are such a good artist! Such fun! No with summer coming you will have to draw us some beautiful pictures!! We love your works of art! Love and hugs!
- Grandma and Grandpa on June 9, 2021
Cuteness Emily! Love the are such a good artist! Such fun! No with summer coming you will have to draw us some beautiful pictures!! We love your works of art! Love and hugs!
- Grandma and Grandpa on June 9, 2021
Tweet...tweet tweet tweet! Love your bird...we will be seeing a lot more birds now that the weather is getting warmer! What is your favorite bird? Love too the hearts all around the picture...very cute! Keep enjoying art class! Can’t wait to see your next work! Love you Emily!
- Grandma And Grandpa on April 14, 2021
Sunset very pretty Emily! Wouldn’t it be nice on that lake floating in a boat? Is it a warm night? Going to fish? Summer is coming and we will have to get out on the water! Keep working hard and making beautiful pictures!!! Love you!
- Grandma and Grandpa on March 31, 2021
What pretty flowers Emily!! We are waiting for spring and this makes me ready for some beautiful flowers!! I like the colors you used too! Was it fun using water paints?? Enjoy your art time!! Beautiful work! Love and hugs!!
- Grandma And Grandpa on March 4, 2021
WOW....outer space....should we go some day and just fly around...wouldn’t that be a fun time?? Let me know when you are ready!! Love you.
- Grandma And Grandpa on March 4, 2021
Ohhhhh cute cat! Love the surely love cats so I bet this was a fun project!! You are the best artist Emily!!! Keep having fun and working hard! Love and hugs!!! Gramps and Grams!!!
- Grandma And Grandpa on March 4, 2021
Ohhhh Emily how pretty this is! Love the colors! Wishing there were flowers blooming now instead of the snow! It’s only October! Keep working hard...making beautiful artwork! Gramps and I love you!
- Grandma Sue on November 4, 2020
Yum yum yum...Grandpa says, “it makes me thirsty!” “How much does it cost?” You did such a great job drawing this Emily! It looks just will have to make us some when we visit again! Love and hugs to you!
- Grandma and Grandpa on June 24, 2020
Miss Emily you made the prettiest spring picture! I love tulips! I shared your picture with Aunt Sara, Uncle Tom, Aunt Nancy and aunts Barb and Julie! Everyone commented how beautiful and colorful your picture was...I love the windmill too...and the fluffy that you are home you and Jackson and Breanna can draw and color pictures for me and Gramps! Love you!
- Grandma and Grandpa on March 25, 2020
Mooooooo! What a cool looking cow Emily!! Looks like cows by my house! So why is it called a Potter cow? Love you!
- Grandma and Grandpa on March 25, 2020
How pretty! Grandpa says he feels like he is in church! It could be a window in your church! We love the pretty colors you used! Keep up the great art work-have fun-work hard! We love you so much!
- Grandma and Grandpa on February 12, 2020
WOW! Love it sooooo much Emily! The colors are so bright and pretty! You did such a great job! Grandpa and Grandma love seeing all your beautiful pictures-keep working hard in class! Love you!
- Grandma and Grandpa on February 5, 2020
Dear Miss Emily, Grandpa and I so love this beautiful Christmas scene. Baby Jesus was born! The blue colors you used are so pretty and I love the star! Everyone is getting ready for Christmas. Keep working hard and enjoy your art class! Love you!
- Grandma and Grandpa on December 4, 2019
Hi Emily! Love your picture of Pegasus! The colors are so pretty! It looks like he is ready to take off and fly to my house! Or is it a “she”? Keep working hard at your artwork and all of your classes! Christmas is coming fast! Love and many many hugs to you! Grams and Gramps
- Gram on November 20, 2019
Walk like an Egyptian .....what a royal cat you drew! Love the colors and all of the add on images! I can surely tell you enjoy your art time at school! Beautiful picture...Beautiful YOU! Love you Miss Emily! Keep working hard and doing well!
- Grandma Sue on October 16, 2019
Oh such nice work Emily...Grandpa says it really really looks like a cave drawing...were you alive back then, Em? An old soul?? Sounds like it took a lot of time to make it just right! Keep up your beautiful artwork! We love you and love seeing your wonderful art!
- on September 18, 2019
Little Perky Penguin! Love his hat! The buttons are so cute on it! Penguins are really fun to watch, maybe we can go to Madison's zoo again! Waddle.....waddle.....waddle! Love you! -- Grandma and Grandpa
- on April 10, 2019
My most favorite bird! The red cardinal! They sing such pretty songs too...whooooooo a whoooo....we will listen this summer for one, when you visit! Love you! -- Grandma and Grandpa
- on April 10, 2019
You are a cat's meow Emily! Looks like you painted this 'ole cat in the hat! Remember watching the movie with Breanna and I? They surely messed up the kids house, but got it all cleaned in the end! Love you Emily!! -- Grandma and Grandpa
- on April 10, 2019
Oh Emily....this is the cutest fish! It just makes me and Grandpa smile! You are a very good artist keep up the great work! Keep smiling Miss Emily! Love you so much! -- Grandma and Grandpa
- on April 10, 2019
Time for SUMMER! What a beautiful butterfly Emily! Soon you can chase them all over your yard! They are pretty fast! What a nice way to end the year..enjoy summer! Sun and fun! -- Grandma
- on May 30, 2018
What a beautiful girl you are Emily! Grandpa wonders "where are your front teeth?" He's just kidding of course because he knows they are ALL gone! Ben only has one loose tooth, he hasn't lost any yet! Keep up your great artwork! Love you SO much! -- Grandma Sue
- on May 23, 2018
Hey Emily! Now I know my ABC's....good job! Like all the colors! Did you like using paint? Fun times in art class! Love you Emily!! -- Grandma Sue
- on May 17, 2018
ROAR! Wow what a cool jungle you've made! You are really turning into a great artist Emily. Grandpa and I surely enjoy your pictures! Keep up the beautiful work! We Love you! -- Grandma
- on April 18, 2018
Love, love, LOVE this Emily! Remember the birds in my bedroom! The bluejay and the cardinal you put up on his back! The cardinal sings such a pretty song too! This summer you will hear them at my house! Would love to frame this mom! Love you! -- Grandma
- on April 18, 2018
Hi Emily What a great piece of work! We had a cardinal at our house today! You should be very proud. Love Grandpa S
- on April 18, 2018
Glad you were at my house visiting so you could tell me all about your socks/fox and sox picture! Hoping you enjoyed all the snow we have...Grandma is ready for Spring! Love you Emily!! -- Grandma
- on April 18, 2018
What a beautiful winter scene, Emily! A pretty starry sky...lots of trees and houses! Just showed it to Grandpa and he says...."good work Emily!" He liked how straight your lines are on the trees! Said he couldn't make them that straight! Keep working hard and having fun in art class! Love you! -- Grandma Sue
- on January 31, 2018
Merry Christmas Emily! What a beautiful tree! Love your lacing and the decorations! Can't wait for you to come and visit for Christmas! We will lots of fun! It's snowing like crazy right now and I'm baking cookies and wrapping presents just for you! Be a good girl, work hard and we will see you soon! Love Grandpa and Grandma! -- Sue
- on December 14, 2017
Emily what a beautiful baby Jesus! You do such pretty work! Grandpa and I always enjoy your wonderful pictures! Keep up the amazing art you are doing at school. Love and many, many hugs to you! Love you Miss Emily Jane?? -- Grandma Sue
- on December 14, 2017
WOW how yummy Emily....which one would you eat? I would like the red one! See you Friday, Grandpa and I can't wait for our hugs and smiles! Love you! Keep up the great art work!?? -- Sue
- on December 1, 2017
What a cool bird Miss Emily! Grandpa and I like the colors and your patterns rock! Keep up the great art work! Can't wait to see what you make next! Love and hugs to you! Have fun at school and work hard! -- Grandma
- on October 11, 2017
Emily, how beautiful! Grandpa and I love all the colors! Keep up the great work! Can't wait to see more of your work! We LOVE YOU! Have fun at school and work hard! Can't wait to see you again! HUGS and KISSES to you -- Grandma