Emily44147's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Emily44147's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Emily, you are so talented and creative. I love your latest art work!
- Doris on March 8, 2023
Great work Emily! Love the colors in the tile.
- Anne on March 8, 2023
I agree with your thoughts. I like that only she is in color and the background is just black and white. Great Job, Emily!!
- Mom on January 4, 2023
Wow Emily - the cake looks so real and yummy!! Great Job!
- Aunt Anne on December 29, 2021
What a wonderful piece of artwork, Emily. Cute!!
- Anne on January 6, 2021
Very pretty picture, Emily!
- Aunt Anne on October 30, 2019
That looks like a really neat "pot". I hope you find something fun to put in it when you get it home.
-- Anne
- on April 17, 2019
What a pretty picture Emily!! You do a great job of capturing details in your art!
-- Anne
- on June 6, 2018
Such a bright pretty Lady Bug and picture! Great job Emily!!
-- Anne and Aubrey
- on May 2, 2018