Elise3192's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Elise3192's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very interesting take on a Sugar Skull. It seems to be a very strong representation of you. I see notes of a lot of the things you enjoy. It's uniquely you.
- Jaclyn on January 4, 2023
Love your creativity. You gave the Mona Lisa a whole new perspective by incorporating her into our Statue of Liberty. The statue was created by a French Architect and a French sculptor, while the Mona Lisa was painted by Italian artist Leonardo Da Vinci. So, your collaboration is a true piece of American artwork. Love it.
- Jaclyn on January 4, 2023
Best family portrait ever!
-- Jaclyn
- on January 1, 2019
Love the jack-o-lantern!
-- Jaclyn
- on January 1, 2019
Stellar reindeer!
-- Jaclyn
- on January 1, 2019
Love it! Your snow penguin also looks like an angel! How terrific! Love, MiMi
-- MiMi
- on January 3, 2018
I love the snow penguin! She's so cute. Great work!!
-- Jaclyn
- on December 6, 2017
Beautiful! Future artist in the making.
-- Mimi
- on December 6, 2017