Love seeing your artwork!!! You are a great artist!!!! -- Jennifer
- on April 9, 2010
Jakob, this is FANTASIC! I love it! You're quite and artist, keep it up!
- on November 13, 2009
Jakob, mommy really likes this one. When it comes home we will have to get a frame for it. I really love it.
- on January 13, 2009
Wow, you must have gotten your creativity side from Grammy. It is beautiful. Love mom
- on September 14, 2008
Jakob - WOW!!! You did a great job with this piece of art work. You must take after your parents with all of this talent.....GOOD JOB!!!! LOVE YOU! Aunt JoJo, Uncle Pete, David & Carter
- on February 28, 2008
Wow, Jakob! Your talent is amazing! Keep up your creativity and enjoy it. I love you, Mom
- on December 20, 2007
Jakob, You have great talent. You get it from your Grandmother. Keep up the good work. We miss you. Love you Uncle Patrick and Aunt Donna
- on December 20, 2007
Jakob, This is great work. Keep it up. Love Dad ; )
- on December 10, 2007
Very nice work jakob. Love you Aunt bean
- on December 9, 2007
Jakob, your artwork is amazing!! Keep up the good work. We especially love the flowers. From, Beth, Mike, Nicole and your Tori!!
- on December 9, 2007
Jakob- Great job on your artwork!!! You are a great artist!!! Love- Jen
- on December 9, 2007
Jakob, mommy loves your sunflowers. They are my favorite. Keep up this wonderful talent of yours. I love you, Mom
- on December 9, 2007
Jakob - Great job on your have a true talent. Love you very much! Aunt JoJo
- on December 9, 2007
Jakob, This is beautiful. I love it. Keep up the good work. I love you very much. Aunt Kathy
- on December 8, 2007
Jakob, your artwork is beautiful! I am so proud of your creativity. Keep up the good work!
- on December 7, 2007
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia! -- from Artsonia