Looks like you love art! You do such a great job and are so creative. -- mamaw/papaw
- on December 12, 2018
Micah, This is one yummy looking sandwich! Great work! Love, Mimi -- Mimi
- on December 12, 2018
Micah, this is a beautiful butterfly! Love, Mimi -- Mimi
- on December 12, 2018
This is beautiful! I love the colors you chose & the effect of the crackle paper is really neat! -- Amanda
- on November 29, 2018
What a nice looking butterfly Micah! Great Work. Dad -- Dad
- on November 29, 2018
How fun! What a great sandwich buddy, love it! -- Amanda
- on November 28, 2018
Very nice work Micah! Looks like you had fun with this one. We love you Mom and Dad. -- Dave
- on February 8, 2018
Micah, May I have a gumball, please? They look yummy! You are a wonderful artist. Love, Mimi -- Mimi
- on January 24, 2018
Love the RED gumball machine! You are so talented! Can not wait to see your next art project. Mamaw and Papaw -- JackieFred
- on January 24, 2018
Micah, what a wonderful picture! is this Boaz? You have a natural art talent. Papaw and Mamaw think you are awesome! Keep painting..... Love you. -- Mamaw/Papaw