Seth400's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Seth400's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Seth, I love this picture!!! That is a great looking frog. You sure have a great eye for color. Love, Grammy
- on May 18, 2009
Looks Kinda like the the Pepper on the Stick! Good Job Man!:)
- on May 11, 2009
Those Are The Coolest Flowers I've Ever Seen!! Dad
- on May 11, 2009
Great Mola!! That is one cool cat. It is a cat right? Please give me a call and tell me about this amazing piece of art. Love, Grammy
- on October 8, 2008
Great picture Seth. I hope you bring this one home. I think it will really look nice in the living room, by the fish tank. Love, Grammy
- on June 2, 2008
Seth, What kind of fish is this? Did you see one like it in Sugar River, last summer when you were fishing? I think it is marvelous and has lots of personality. Keep up the great art work. I still have room on my walls for more. Love Grammy
- on April 6, 2008
I love it!! I love it! I love it! Can I have it??? Please This is a way cool picture Seth. It would look great in the computer room. Love Grammy
- on February 29, 2008
Oh my goodness, I think I have a new favorite pic. Can I have this one when you bring it home. Grammy really loves it.
- on January 23, 2008
Seth, great picture!! How did you make it? I really like it a lot.. Keep up the great art work. Love, Grammy
- on September 25, 2007
Seth, Wow is this picture colorful! I feel like I am right there in prehistoric time. The dinosaurs are really neat. Thank you for sharing with us. Love you more then you love me. Grammy
- on March 21, 2007
Seth, I see you used blue to color your bowl. That is our favorite color. It looks loverly. You do fantastic art work. Thank you for sharing it with Grammy.. Hug and Kisses
- on November 15, 2006
Seth, great job, I love bright yellow flowers. It looks sooo summery. Can't wait to see the next one. Love you more than you love me. Grammy
- on October 13, 2006
Love the beautiful colors. You do a fantastic job. Keep up the good work. Love Nana
- on October 9, 2006
Wow!!! very colorful picture. Blue skies and sunshine, that is what we want to see so we can go camping. Did you see a bird like this out at the campground? Another great picture !! Love and sloppy kisses Grammy
- on April 28, 2006
Great Job Seth. You are really good at making nice pictures. You are getting much better at it too. Keep up the good work. All your pictures make me smile....Love Dad
- on March 17, 2006
I think this is my new favorite picture. That turtle looks so real I think I saw it swimming in the bathtub. I'll tell Bella not to bark at the turtle in the bathtub!! Love Grammy
- on March 17, 2006
Great job Seth. Keep up the good work. Love Nana
- on March 16, 2006
Seth, Great picture, I really like the colors you used. The planets look cool. You did a good job.. Keep up the good work. Love Grammy
- on March 7, 2006
Seth, the mask you made is sooooo cool. I love it. keep up the great art work. I can not wait to see the next one. Love and Kisses (sloopy) Grammy
-- from Grammy
- on January 18, 2006
Seth is that the tree in Grammy's yard? It sure looks like the little one by the driveway. The tree you drew is beautiful. I really like the different colored leaves. Keep-up the great work. Love Grammy
-- from Grammy
- on December 15, 2005
Good Job Seth I Love you
-- from Nana
- on December 7, 2005
What a neat face. I really like the wide eyes and beautifully shaped ears. Keep-up the great work!!! I can"t wait to see more picutres.
-- from Grammy
- on December 7, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on December 2, 2005