OB24's Comments (63)

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Below are comments about OB24's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ha! I love this pic, Oliver!! Very creative. I’ll never look at an ice cream cone in the same way again!!
- Grandpa on November 5, 2024
Nice self portrait Oliver!
- Grandma And Grandpa Baird on November 5, 2024
I love your artwork. Does it have a name. Love you. Grandma
- Donna on November 5, 2024
Nice work Oliver! Great use of perspective and shading on that still life!!
- Grandpa on November 5, 2024
What a great self portrait, Oliver! Your drawing has really grown.
- Grandpa D. on November 5, 2024
Very interesting art work, You will have to tell me how you did this. Grandma
- Donna on September 16, 2023
What a great sketch of Woodsy Owl, Oliver! You do a nice job of caring for the land too, so you know what it takes!
- Grandpa on January 18, 2023
Still life is so hard to do and it looks like you nailed it!!! Nice job.
- Donna Duffey on January 18, 2023
I REALLY like this still life, Oliver! Looks like a great collection of fall vegetables and fruit. Great work!
- Grandpa on November 9, 2022
Nice Oliver, this really does look like you. You are so grown up. Grandma
- Donna on November 9, 2022
"Help! This slice of pizza is stuck in my mouth!"
- Dad on November 9, 2022
Wow. This is super cool. Very involved. I love the shapes within the shapes.
- Dad on November 9, 2022
This little guy looks creepy AND friendly. I like him! (Or her!) (Or it!)
- Dad on November 9, 2022
Star Wars!
- Dad on November 9, 2022
Love it. Great color choices!
- Dad on November 9, 2022
What a great picture, Oliver! It reminds me of the chameleons we saw in Africa! I'd love to hear about the process you used to create this one.
- Grandpa D. on April 21, 2022
I love this work of art, Oliver - we’ll done!!
- Grandma And Grandpa Baird on April 21, 2022
Oliver, this is really a cool picture. You are doing so many interesting things now in your artwork. Was it fun to do? I also like the one you did before this picture of the tornado like designs.
- Grandma Duffey on April 21, 2022
Nice work here, Oliver. You can get a sense of depth in the picture with the shading you've used and I love the pine tree images. Is this watercolor?
- Grandpa on April 21, 2022
Nice work Oliver! Can't wait to hear about how you created it!
- Timothy on April 21, 2022
Oliver, I like this little guy. You will need to tell me more. I could use him in my woods. Grandma
- Donna on February 10, 2022
That picture makes me HUNGRY!! I love how the missing slice of cake makes it look like a Christmas tree! (Unless I'm not understanding the picture correctly!)
- Grandpa on February 10, 2022
Nice work, Oliver! We visited the Arizona desert a few years ago and it looked just like this!
- Grandpa on February 10, 2022
Thanks for talking to us about this picture when we were there, Oliver! It reminds me of western Montana!
- Grandpa Duffey on October 29, 2021
What great colors in this picture, Oliver! I'm not sure I could do a cubism picture. Nice work!
- Grandpa on October 29, 2021
WOW! Oliver this is really a great picture of you. The mask is a nice way to not have to do your mouth. You are quite the artist. Well done. Grandma
- Donna on October 29, 2021
I have never seen anything like this, it is so cool. Is this a special creature only you can make?
- Donna on October 29, 2021
Oliver, this is a very interesting one. What is it about? I like how I only see part of the face.
- Donna on October 29, 2021
Great work on that pottery, Oliver! Such a bright green color . . . it reminds me of spring and early summer! It's hard to tell how deep it is from this picture. You'll have to show us or describe it to us next time we talk. Grandpa
- Timothy on June 1, 2021
YUM this could be a huge candy sucker or a pin wheel fan. Either would be great to have.
- Grandma Duffey on June 1, 2021
This looks like it was fun to make. What are you going to do with it?
- Grandma Duffey on June 1, 2021
Oliver, I really like this picture. The eyes have such expression. I think owls are also one of my favorite birds.
- Grandma Duffey on May 20, 2021
What a great owl, Oliver! I enjoy watching the one that comes to our bird feeders in the winter. This guy reminds me of him. Grandpa
- Tim on May 20, 2021
Ha! I DO like this picture. Is this a self-portrait or is that someone else you've drawn there? It could be lots of people we know . . .
- Grandpa on May 20, 2021
A mouse color wheel? Never would have thought of that, but ROY G BIV would be proud!! Grandpa
-- Tim
- on January 6, 2021
I recognize that house! You did a great job with this picture, Oliver! Grandpa
-- Tim
- on January 6, 2021
Nice job on the color wheel. It is not easy to mix colors and make them come our the right color. I seem to always get brown!! You will have to show me how.
-- Grandma
- on January 6, 2021
That looks just like our house
-- Kiyah
- on November 21, 2018
I LOVE this mouse color wheel and am thinking about all the place it can hang at home :)
-- Kiyah
- on November 21, 2018
Mr.O. This is so pretty!!! Grandpa loves water color and this really does make the leaves look like fall. I may want to put this picture up. DD
-- Donna
- on October 24, 2018
What a beautiful fall picture! Nicely done, Oliver.
-- Grandpa
- on October 24, 2018
Oliver . . . I LOVE this picture! Can't wait to hear about it, what your task was, and what materials you used to create it. It's really colorful!
-- Grandpa
- on October 24, 2018
You did such a nice self portrait. It looks like you with a tan and your big smile is very acurate. Love you. Grandma
-- Donna
- on September 12, 2018
What a great self-portrait, Mr. O! I've seen that smile many times and that sure looks like your dark hair! I'll have to get you to draw a picture of me sometime.
-- Grandpa Tim
- on September 12, 2018
You'll have to tell me about this, Oliver. Is it the solar system?
-- Tim
- on July 9, 2018
Whoa! Such great colors in this picture, Oliver! I'm excited to have you tell me about it!
-- Tim
- on July 9, 2018
Awesome picture, Oliver! I LOVE the colors of this picture! Looks like a rainbow! Grandpa
-- Tim
- on July 9, 2018
Oliver--I LOVE your description of this picture! There is a lot going on there, so it was nice to know what you were imagining as you drew it. Grandpa
-- Tim
- on July 9, 2018
What a great picture! It looks like the owl that sits on the oak tree in our back yard after a snowstorm! You'll have to tell us how you painted this the next time we see you. Grandpa
-- Tim
- on February 22, 2018
O, I love your owl! This reminds me of the owl that comes and sits on our tree branches in the winter to Grandpa and I can watch him when it is cold out. You will have to tell me more about the picture when we see each other.
-- Grandma Duffey
- on February 22, 2018
Mr. O, this is a really cool picture of a person. I would love to know more about it. Grandma
-- Donna
- on January 31, 2018
This one remind me of the dancing leaves in the fall! Look at all those colors!
-- Donna
- on November 30, 2017
You will have to tell me about this great picture. I really like it! Grandma
-- Donna
- on November 30, 2017
Oliver, I have been looking at all of your art work and this one really looks like something a famous artist could have done. I like the black with spots of color. Nice work. Grandma
-- Donna
- on November 30, 2017
Great picture, Oliver! I like the bright colors and contrast.
-- Grandpa
- on November 15, 2017
Those look like Grandpa's skinny legs! Ha-ha!
-- Grandpa
- on November 15, 2017
I LOVE this one! Looks like an interesting process you used.
-- Grandpa
- on November 15, 2017
Nice work, Oliver! Look at all those colors! This is another one you'll have to tell me all about. Keep up the good work, guy!
-- Grandpa
- on November 15, 2017
What a great picture, Mr. O! Looks a lot like it does in our yard right now . . . Fall is BEAUTIFUL in Maine! G'pa D
-- Tim
- on October 31, 2017
I really love this painting, Oliver!
-- Kiyah
- on October 24, 2017
I LOVE this picture, Mr. O! Makes me want to go apple picking . . .
-- Grandpa D.
- on October 18, 2017
Look at those colors! I bet there is an interesting story to go with this picture!
-- Grandpa D
- on October 18, 2017
Oliver-- I LOVE this picture! You'll have to tell me all about the details in it the next time we talk!
-- Grandpa D
- on October 18, 2017