Owen12980's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Owen12980's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love your Tiger!! Striker is a great name! Love you! Mom
-- Mom
- on May 9, 2018
You are so full of love! You always make me so proud! Love you! Rosie
-- Rosie & Irv
- on May 2, 2018
Hi Owen, this is beautiful, I love it! I am so proud of your work, my little artist!!
-- Mom
- on April 25, 2018
Hi Owen I love both of your pictures! You are a very good artist. I look forward to seeing some new pictures, especially with the holidays coming. Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
-- Grandma Linda
- on November 15, 2017
I absolutely love this, Owen! I am so proud of my little artist!! Great work! Love you!!
-- Mom
- on October 18, 2017