Sofia7274's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Sofia7274's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Sofia, I really like your 3 new artworks! This Zebra looks so colorful! I noticed how well you made its legs. The head is perfect too. Great job SofiaThe background goes well with the Zebra too!
- YiaYia on February 8, 2023
Hi Sofia, I really like your 3 new artworks! This Zebra looks so colorful! I noticed how well you made its legs. The head is perfect too. Great job SofiaThe background goes well with the Zebra too!
- YiaYia on February 8, 2023
Your moon looks so realistic!! I also really like the watercolors and how you blended the colors together! Great work Sofia!
- Megan on February 8, 2023
Hi Sofia, We can’t send a postcard with this art project but we have to tell you how awesome this is. This is probably the most creative artsy project since you started school. We LOVE it! The name of your artwork is taken from a famous artist who makes wonderful glass pieces. PopPop & I saw a display this artist made in Seattle, Washington. It displayed all these glass pieces depicting a garden. Some of them were as tall as some buildings. Great job, honey!! Love, PopPop & GaGa xoxo
- PopPop & Ga Ga on May 4, 2022
Sofia, this is a work of art for sure. I love this picture you made. It makes me feel like I am Downtown looking up. I loved the colors and beautiful buildings you made. This is for sure one of my favorites! You are a good artist Sofia! Keep up with your gifted talent Sofia! I love you very much, Yia Yia
- Dena on March 23, 2022
Oh my goodness Sofia! This turned out amazing!!!! I love all the colors and the patterns that you used! The outline turned out great! I can definitely tell its a Zebra! Nice job!!!
- Megan (Mother) on October 27, 2021
Sofia!!! I love this! The lines and dots look really cool scattered throughout. I also really like the colors you chose!
- Mommy on September 15, 2021
Sofia, I just saw your artwork and I love it! Took me some time ,but I figured it out. That is you and it is raining cats and dogs! I laughed so hard Sofia! You always make me laugh. You have a Great sense of humor! Can’t wait to order some from Artsonia! Thanks Sofia! I love you so much! I am so happy you are my granddaughter Sofia. Love and Hugs, Yia Yia. Xoxoxo xoxoxoxo
- Yia Yia on October 25, 2020
I noticed you used cross hatching as a shading method. Good observation drawing!
- Mary (teacher at Lyon Elementary School (K-2)) on April 9, 2020
I notice the soft texture of the object in the middle. It really helps create a soft mood for your white sculpture.
- Mary (teacher at Lyon Elementary School (K-2)) on April 9, 2020
I love that you explored a new process to develop your craft. How might these words inspire your next artwork?
- Mary (teacher at Lyon Elementary School (K-2)) on April 9, 2020
Hi Sofia, just saw your new artwork. Loved the rain coming out from the clouds. You did a great job swirling those rain drops. Keep up your beautiful artwork. Love you, Yia Yia
- Dena on September 19, 2020
Hi Sofia, I just saw your latest artwork. You did a great job! I loved your picture and the colors you used. I also loved seeing you so happy in the picture saying Yay. It made me happy looking at this picture. You are doing very well in your artwork. Thanks for creating such a beautiful piece of art that showed so much happiness! I love you Sofia, YiaYia.
-- YiaYia
- on September 19, 2020