Wallswizard196's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Wallswizard196's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You must be thinking of the water, sand and other great things to the Seashore. What kind of bird is on the beach? Pop Pop K
-- Ron
- on April 9, 2010
Great sculpture with some bright colors sure enjoy looking at these. Hope none of these critters are around my house this spring and summer. Pop Pop K
- on March 1, 2010
I LOVE this. It is so colorful and I really like the peace signs. Good Job
-- Thelma
- on March 1, 2010
Your work gets better and better. lions face and colors are great love the expression, is he happy or hungry Pop Pop K
- on February 13, 2010
That is soooooo cute. I love the hearts cute face. You did a great job. Love Mommy
- on February 13, 2010
Looks like the snow we had the week before christmas. Beautiful picture. Love Mommy
- on January 12, 2010
What a beautiful snowy day!
- on January 11, 2010
WOW a turtle of many colors. Love the star fish and jelly fish too, keep up the good work, POP POP K
- on December 29, 2009
I love your picture, the bugs are so cute, I wish I had them in my garden. Keep up the good work. Love Mommy
- on November 29, 2009
This is GREAT! You and your sister are very good artists. - Thelma
- on November 3, 2009
I love this tree. You made great branches and I love how you added colored leaves. Keep up the good work. Love Mommy
- on November 3, 2009
All that practice at Mom Moms Shop has really paid off Great job, Pop Pop
- on November 2, 2009
Great use of color and great design POP POP K
- on November 2, 2009
Wow! what a great picture. I like all your colors. You are doing very well in art. We will see you soon and we can look for lady bugs..
- on November 2, 2009
Hi, Brrr. It must be cold where this penguin lives. Keep up the good work. Poppy in Florida.
- on November 2, 2009
Hello. This is a very nice picture. Do you like snow? You are a good artist. When I was in school Art was my favorite subject. Keep up the good work. We will see you soon. Love. Grandmom in Florida.
- on November 2, 2009
What a nice drawing. Great colors and design, keep up the good work. Pop Pop K
- on November 2, 2009
What a nice valentine. It looks very happy. I like the purple flowers also, and the nice green grass. you did a great job on this picture. Keep up the good work. We will see you in a couple of months. Love. Grandmom in Florida.
- on November 2, 2009
Hapopy to see your new picture. Looks like you are having fun in this class. Poppy
- on November 2, 2009
Wow! this is a great snow man. You really did a swell job. I guess it is cold enough up there to make a real snow man. It is chilly here in Florida. We miss you & your sister & Mom & Dad. I will look foward to receiving more pictures on Artsonia. Love, Grandmom in Florida.
- on November 2, 2009
Great Snow man or lady love the scarf and hat, keep up the good work POP POP K.
- on November 2, 2009