Jane137's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Jane137's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Janie, Your fall bouquet of flowers are really beautiful. I love your imaginary dinosaur.... your insight to color and dimension is so exciting.... love you, Auntie Tina
- on May 10, 2008
Janie, Love the pink polka-dotted dino! The dino looks like it's enjoying the sunshine. How old is he/she? and does it have a name? Love, Daddy
- on May 10, 2008
Janie, This is awesome!!! I am so proud of you. Great detail on the tires and spokes. I also love the colors in the background. It makes me want to get on a bike down here in sunny Florida! Love, Daddy
- on February 14, 2007
Unbelievable! Janie this is awesome! What a great picture, I can't even draw this well. I'm so proud of you honey!
- on February 14, 2007
What an awesome tree! It reflects the many colors and beauty of New England. Great, great work Janie! Love, Daddy
-- from Mike
- on December 20, 2005
Janie....your artwork is awesome....so proud of you....keep up the good work...hugs, Anne
-- from Anne
- on December 20, 2005
Janie, that is a wonderful picture, I'm so proud of you! All of our art projects paid off :o) Love you Pumpkin Pie!
-- from Stacy
- on December 20, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on December 20, 2005