Ella, Your picture is BE-AU=TI FUL! Such wonderful colors. You rock baby girl! Love, Grandma Hope to see you in the Spring.
- Jane on February 12, 2020
VERY very nice Ella! We love you!!!
- papa Chris & G ma Claire on February 12, 2020
Beautiful picture, Ella! Keep up the good work.
- Jane on January 8, 2020
Wonderful job Ella!!
- Shannon (Mother) on December 10, 2019
Ella--too cute! LOVE the underwear. Where can I find a pair??? :) Good job bella. Keep up the good work! Grandma Jane -- Jane
- on January 2, 2019
Yes, Ella we CAN save the bees. Plant lots of bee loving flowers in your yard. This is a great picture. Bees would be proud--as are Gm and GD J. Hope to see more of these beautiful pictures. -- grandma Jane
- on November 14, 2018
Ella! This must be YOU being joyful. How pretty this little girl is to see. You are so talented. Keep up the great work. Hope to see more of these. Love you, GM and GD J. -- grandman Jane
- on November 14, 2018
What a beautiful snowman, Ella. You are such a good artist! GM and GD J. -- Jane
- on February 14, 2018
BEAUTIFUL snowman Ella!!! We love & miss you! -- Papa Chris & G. ma Claire
- on February 14, 2018
Ella, Your dots and the scarecrow are beautiful! Keep up the great work. Grandma Johnson -- Jane
- on November 8, 2017
Nice picture Ella! We could use a scarecrow here at the lake to scare away the geese!!! Love & Miss you -- Papa Chris & Grandma Claire
- on November 6, 2017
Love your Scarecrow! Happy Halloween Ella! Love, Me-Me. -- Debbie
- on October 31, 2017
Your dot is beautiful! Love you "Miss Ella Bella" -- me-me