Sage1932's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Sage1932's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Sage is an incredible artist! I’m so proud of her! It is so much fun to watch her with a Grandma pencil in her left hand and a piece of paper in front of her and watch her create.
- Gma Sandy on April 18, 2024
Those kitties are so cute! I hope they’re warm enough on that cold fall night! They look like they’re waiting for Halloween to come.
- Gma Sandy on March 22, 2023
Great job Sage! Those planets looks so real out there in space!
- Gma Sandy on March 22, 2023
Really pretty Sage! The blending of the sky colors look so real. Very nice job on the tree and kitties!
- Grandma Sandy on February 26, 2023
Beautiful and very unique! You have a great imagination!
- Grandma Sandy on February 2, 2023