Clara2674's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Clara2674's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This little guy has such personality. Love the color and his expression. Really, Clara, Papi and I laughed with delight the minute it popped up on our screen. You sure used a lot of skills on this one. I always knew you were good with scissors. Love, Papi and Grammy
-- Grammy - Sherry
- on November 22, 2017
Wow, Clara. The bright green background really got my attention. The various tones and shades of blues and purples on the mitten seem quite warm and loving. I loved this piece the minute I saw the original! You are an artist for sure.
-- Grammy - Sherry
- on November 22, 2017
Clara, your Purple Heart Mitten is very well done. I really like your use of beautiful complimentary colours and the way you have given the mitten so much texture. This artwork makes me feel happy. Grammy Jammy
-- Jane
- on November 15, 2017