Mandrake3's Comments (122)

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Below are comments about Mandrake3's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I mentioned this in one of your other artwork that you show depth so weil in your drawings, there's definitely an artist in you!
- Jeannette on April 24, 2024
Drake. your art shows really well the effect of distance on a drawn image, quite impressive, keep it up!
- Jeannette on April 24, 2024
Drake, you really are an artist. Congratulations! Aunt Noreen
- Aunt Noreen on April 24, 2024
Drake… This is so good. Aunt Noreen Keep it up. Hugs
- Aunt Noreen on April 24, 2024
I love this Drake. The use of colour, perspective and design are eye catching. Keep up the creativity.
- Nancy on April 24, 2024
Well done, Drake, nice job on the perspective. It's a fun scene, too, a bit cartoony.
- Uncle Paul on April 24, 2024
Your perspective is great Drake, the structures diminsh just a they should as they get smaller the further the eye can see. Looks like an architect drew it!
- Jeannette on April 24, 2024
Hey, Drake, that's looking good, pretty realistic!
- Paul on February 14, 2024
I'm not sure I successfully sent you congratulations on your very fine art work yesterday. ??This drawing immediately touched my heart. My great grandkids enjoy your work which I ordered and i have on the fridge. Keep it up. Ps. My faves are charcoal drawings, and black and white photos.
- Aunt Noreen on February 14, 2024
Drake I am excited to see so much detail in this animal grid drawing. You have successfully created the illusion of 3-dimensional form. You are a budding artist. It warms my heart.
- Nancy on February 14, 2024
Hi Drake. It's me again, your Canadian aunt Noreen sending congratulations for this beautiful gift of art which I can enjoy. Moreover, I love charcoal art, and this one is a gem. Keep up the great work. Hugs, N
- Aunt Noreen on February 14, 2024
Well done sketch, great rendition of a horse, your artwork is getting better & better all the time!
- Jeannette on February 14, 2024
Wow! This is amazing. I hope to see it in action one day. ??
- Nancy on February 14, 2024
Wow, now they’ve included construction to your art work, well done!(
- Jeannette on February 14, 2024
Wow, now they’ve included construction to your art work, well done!(
- Jeannette on February 14, 2024
Drake, you are such a gifted artist. Clearly another artist in the family! Love to see your creative mind at work.
- Aunt Nicole on February 14, 2024
Drake this is most interesting to see the Japanese fish print method. You have captured the gyotaku print. I have never heard or seen this style of print making. Well done!
- Nancy on February 22, 2023
Quite an interesting layout, the aqua colour makes a good contrast with the black, would look great on a bedspread!
- Jeannette on February 22, 2023
Great looking fish, those fins are so well defined, they show up so well, especially the pink ones! You’ll have to fill me in Drake on how you managed that.
- Jeannette on February 22, 2023
I love your creative mind Drake. You inspire me to get busy and be creative too. I have all the materials I just need the time, patience and see what happens. Keep up the great work.
- Nancy on February 22, 2023
I love this most interesting Adinka relief printing method using two items that hold special interest to you Drake. I would venture to say it reminds me of centre ice at a game with a hockey stick and the second print looks like the Canadian and American flags.
- Nancy on February 8, 2023
Your artwork is very impressive Drake. What I've seen from your first years, I just love your artistic mind, your colors, and this latest one with the Canadian flag, touched my heart. Your art shows you are talented and you love what you are doing. Much affection sent.
- Aunt Noreen on February 8, 2023
Most interesting piece of art. You have me thinking the black lines and coloured circles are significant along with the centre star.
- Nancy on February 8, 2023
You truly are gifted Mandrake. In more ways than one. Hugs, Aunt Noreen
- Aunt Noreen on February 8, 2023
"UP or DOWN" ? or ¿. The only way to go Drake. Very proud of you. Aunt Noreen
- Aunt Noreen on February 8, 2023
Great job Drake, using one point perspective and creating your colourful name. Wow, I didn’t learn this technique till I was in high school. I am impressed.
- Nancy on November 2, 2022
That is some cool lettering Drake, love it!
- Jeannette on October 26, 2022
great sketching, you have the dimensions quite right. whose hands were posing for you? I like it!
- Jeannette on October 9, 2022
I recognize these buildings in Cleveland. Great job Drake,recreating the architecture in these stunning buildings. You have set a happy mood too with the bright blue sky and sun.
- Nancy on June 29, 2022
I gather that this piece is actually a painting, looks like it’s been weaved, very intricate, love it!
- Jeannette on June 29, 2022
Our nephew Drake is such an up and coming artist! Impressive creations there Drake! Hugs, Aunt Nicole & Uncle Terry
- Aunt Nicole on March 30, 2022
Hey, I love that! What a great mix of colours in such a very intricate moulding
- Jeannette on March 30, 2022
I love the bright colours and your emoji is really cute. Great job!
- Nancy on February 9, 2022
I just love the colours and design in this artwork.
- Nancy on December 15, 2021
Great hockey picture of you in action Drake. Your skates are on fire. Go Barons, go.
- Nancy on December 15, 2021
- Doug on December 9, 2021
I love the hockey picture. Colours are great although you know I am partial to blue and white. Love seeing your work ,
- Doug on December 9, 2021
Great depiction of skates in motion, right on! Must be CCM skates, advertising shown on the boards. The detailing of those skates is very well done, love it.
- Jeannette on December 9, 2021
Excellent job Buddy, I love seeing your artwork! I used to teach grade 7 and 8 Art on a rotary schedule! I can appreciate your hard work!
- Doug on December 1, 2021
The center looks like an eye peeking through the maze! Lines & designs are so accurate, no smugging at all, love it.
- Jeannette on October 27, 2021
Hi Drake, a very impressive piece of work. Look forward to discussing it with you when next we connect.
- Grampa on October 20, 2021
Drake I love the line and design creativity. Beautiful work!??
- Nancy on October 20, 2021
Love your artistic flair Drake! Good use of colour and symmetry! I enjoy seeing your art work! Love Papa!
- Doug on October 20, 2021
Drake I love the drip style artwork. It is most creative and you have captured the concept in your colourful masterpiece.
- Nancy on March 24, 2021
Interesting artwork! Keep up the creativity!??
- Nancy on March 3, 2021
Great work Drake, good use of colours and I love your creativity! Good work Buddy!
- Doug on March 3, 2021
First of all you mastered the hair, love the hairline along the forehead. If the Canadian & American flags were drawn freehand, perfect rendition there! Of course you also included your trademark hockey stick & puck but this time you added a very well dawn baseball. Great effort Drake!!
- Jeannette on March 3, 2021
I love all of the detail you’ve used Drake! Your use of realism is wonderful ...this looks like you!
- Ashley on January 20, 2021
Well done Drake, I am admiring your creativity!
- Doug on December 30, 2020
A bowl of lettuce? Looks real enough to eat. Continue the good work Drake!
- Jeannette on December 30, 2020
This is an outstanding self portrait. I love the use of colour and design. I like the added symbols too with the flags and your own hockey team. Well done Drake!
- Nancy on December 9, 2020
Way out there Man - like way out in space!! Bet you could really raise a puck out there.....
- Gramps on October 28, 2020
Good rendition of space, among the planets is the speedy rocket ship ....even a hockey stick with a puck made it up there, love it!
- Jeannette on October 14, 2020
I love this. Well done Drake.
- Nancy on March 11, 2020
Now I’m really undecided, I have so many favourites in Your artwork but I think at the moment that this latest one is my most favourite! Of course I expect that you’ll be submitting more pieces to make choosing the best still more difficult.
- Jeannette on March 11, 2020
Wow! This one is really cool. I like your use of lines and designs. I am interested to hear from you about what you learned about Australian Aboriginal art. I will send you an email about it!
- Aunt Ashley on March 11, 2020
Fine painting! I love the colour and interesting detail.
- Nancy on February 26, 2020
Great pinch pot critters, Mandrake. hugs, Nana
- Nancy on February 26, 2020
I really like these clay figures, mother & her young I think. They appear so gentle with those big soft looking eyes! Your choice of greyish colour suits them perfectly.
- Jeannette on February 7, 2020
These two make me smile!
- Kathy on February 7, 2020
Mandrake - love your artwork! What great colour and action in this one. Makes me think of Sundridge :)
- Kathy on February 7, 2020
Good job Buddy, I really like your use of colour!
- Doug on January 8, 2020
I love this detail in this work of art. You understand Pablo Picasso's style and how wonderful you are learning about this famous artist. Nana
- Nancy on November 6, 2019
I love the use of shape and colors! Very cool. I have the most talented nephew!
- Ashley on November 6, 2019
cool collage, you can tell that this kid knows some music. The piano symbols are right on. Drake, you did a great job with the layout of the cutouts, glad to see that you threw in a bit of green in there!
- jeannette on November 6, 2019
A very happy turkey, Drake.
- Nancy on November 6, 2019
I love all the detail in this interesting, colourful jungle scene, Drake.
- Nancy on November 6, 2019
Well done, Drake! I love your Van Gogh inspired piece. I agree with Nana - this looks a bit like Hogwarts:)
-- Ashley
- on June 12, 2019
I love your gnome house Drake. This is a most interesting design and good use of colour.
-- Nancy
- on May 29, 2019
This depiction of an angry bear has been hanging on my kitchen cabinet since you presented us with it. Still looks good!!
-- Jeannette
- on May 29, 2019
Okay, i’ve been very neglectful with my commenting, Drake. I love the way you handle your artwork and most impressed with all the results. This latest one is quite intriguing!
-- Jeannette
- on May 29, 2019
I love this picture. It reminds me of a scene in a Harry Potter movie Well Done Drake!
-- Nancy
- on May 1, 2019
I love this one!!! Nice use of complimentary colours
-- Auntie Ona
- on March 27, 2019
Wow, this looks like a wonderful flying adventure. Great art Drake, I love the detail and colour. Nana
-- Nancy
- on March 27, 2019
I like this creative architectural design. Well done Drake!
-- Nancy
- on February 27, 2019
I really like the use of asymmetrical balance. The lines and colour use are dynamic! Love it !! Aunti Ona
-- Onalee
- on January 23, 2019
I love your Yayomi Kusama inspired piece! Your use of lines in your design is amazing! I saw some of her installations when they were in Denmark. She is spectacular, and so are you! Another piece, well done!
-- Ashley
- on January 23, 2019
You are very creative in your use of lines and circles Drake. I am sure you have an interesting story to go with your art. I hope you will tell me all about your masterpiece.
-- Nancy
- on January 23, 2019
That young man has talent! We’ve said it before Drake, we really admire your artistic ability. You have such a nack for adding detail to your artwork. Keep it up!!
-- Jeannette
- on January 23, 2019
Good work Buddy, I like the polka dots.
-- Doug
- on January 23, 2019
GREAT! You have mastered an abstract painting using line, shape and colour that was inspired by music. I love this creative piece of artwork. You are a lucky student to have studied the artwork of Wassily Kandinsky. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see more masterpieces.
-- Nancy
- on December 7, 2018
Hey, my most favourite colour, green! You’re paintings keep getting better and better Drake. It’s becoming hard to choose the one I like the best, keep it up chum!
-- Jeannette
- on October 31, 2018
I sure wouldn’t mind having a quilt like that, I especially like the stripes. Great choice of colours!
-- Jeannette
- on October 24, 2018
This is a most interesting creative piece of work. There is a lot of detail and good choice of colour in this klimt quilt. I love it.
-- Nancy
- on October 24, 2018
Hi Drake: I've been receiving your artwork emails without realizing it was you. Went to read the comments and "Maple Lake" was signed by Steve so now I am sure. Your artwork and imagination are amazing, so keep it up. I liked them all, but the crayons are beautiful in their simplicity. Thanks for the recent phone call, and I hope you received my parcel. You are one great young man that I like to call family. Aunt Noreen xo
-- Noreen
- on May 23, 2018
Drake I love the colours from my crayon box. You have even used my very favourite colours. A very talented young lad I would say. Keep up the good work. hugs, Nancy xo
-- Nancy
- on May 23, 2018
Okay...that’s a cool one! Neat display of crayons, very creative Drake
-- Jeannette
- on May 16, 2018
Wow a real super hero in our family, that is so cool. Drake I love your creation a talented creative 7 year old artist. hugs, Nana xo
-- Nancy
- on May 16, 2018
I love this bug Drake, he looks like he eats a healthy diet. I think he lives in our vegetable garden. You are a very good sculptor. I will show your creation to our artist friend Pete. - Nana
-- Nancy
- on April 11, 2018
I love this creative bug. Drake you are also a sculptor as well as a painter. Great job:))) Hugs, Nana
-- Nancy
- on May 16, 2018
Great looking bug, Drake. You are also a sculptor I see.
-- Nancy
- on May 16, 2018
Gobble gobble....great turkey pic Drake!!! It’s so fun getting to see your terrific artwork online. Keep up the great work little buddy! Your cousin Avery loves your artwork too. He said to tell Drake you're very talented.
-- Aunt Amy
- on March 21, 2018
Good job Drake, I love seeing your art work. You do such a great job!
-- Doug
- on March 7, 2018
Another awesome masterpiece! This is like one of Papa's birds.
-- Ashley
- on March 7, 2018
Nice creation Drake! It looks like one of papa's free range birds.
-- Nancy
- on February 26, 2018
Drake I love the colours you chose for this interesting creative design. hugs Nana xo
-- Nancy
- on January 31, 2018
Hi Drake, Was this a tree that you saw at Maple Lake? It sure looks like it. I really like it. Grampa Steve
-- Steve
- on January 24, 2018
I love the colours you've used here, Drake! You're so creative. What an artist!
-- Ashley
- on January 24, 2018
Wow Drake ???? I love seeing your artwork you are a talented little artist!!! Great job.
-- Aunt Amy
- on January 24, 2018
What an interesting, eye catching choice of colours! It looks like a fruit tree with a hockey puck hanging from one of the branches. I love it & so does Grampy!
-- Jeannette
- on January 24, 2018
I like your latest creation Drake. Excellent choice of colour... I hope you will tell me all about this work of art.
-- Nancy
- on January 15, 2018
Wow!! The tree is beautiful! I love it! The use of colour and movement is outstanding! Please send me one in the mail! Love auntie Ona xoxo
-- Onalee
- on January 17, 2018
Okay, this guy's artwork gets more interesting as he goes along, the theme on this latest piece must be hands, love it!
-- Jeannette
- on November 22, 2017
Drake I love the nature picture you created with interesting color and design. I reminds me of Papa's sugar bush with big maple trees for tapping in the spring.
-- Nancy
- on November 22, 2017
Love your picture Drake - I'm going to frame it! Hugs Mom
-- Jennifer
- on November 3, 2017
Drake I love this picture and can't wait to get more notes made up with your fun dancing people. Your picture shows fun colours and good use of space and design..You are quite the artist.
-- Nancy
- on November 3, 2017
The watercolours are amazing!! Love your art, Drake. Keep up the good work!
-- Ashley
- on November 1, 2017
I love this picture, grandson you are becoming quite the artist! Love you!
-- Doug
- on November 1, 2017
Wow !!! Fantastic use of the page. I can really see and feel the movement of the dancers. I showed my grade 12 art students and they were very impressed with your talents Darke! Love auntie ona
-- Onalee
- on November 1, 2017
Hey, what an artist you are Drake, love this latest artwork!
-- Jeannette
- on November 1, 2017
I love all the intricate symbols. It reminds me of The famous artist Paul Klee and his twittering machine. Beautiful modern art drake! love aunt ona xoxo
-- Onalee
- on October 4, 2017
What an amazing artist you are and at such a young age! I love your monster in the closet. I am sure glad that monster doesn't live in my closet! Great job Buddy!!
-- Doug
- on October 4, 2017
WOW!! All those big hits and fancy catches in Maple Lake, all those goals and assists in Cleveland and now this art - what a guy!!! Grandpa is really impressed, I will have to tell Uncle Marc and Aunt Donna.
-- Steve
- on September 27, 2017
Now I discover that, not only is does Drake have lots of interest & ability in baseball & hockey, he's showing great promise as an artist! I love his rendition of a monster.
-- Jeannette
- on September 23, 2017
It's great to discover that not only is Drake a most promising young sportsman in baseball & hockey, now he's demonstrating his ability as an artist, most impressive Drake & I love your rendition of a monster!
-- Jeannette
- on September 23, 2017
I'm so proud of you my little artist! Your picture is very well done and I love it. Big hugs from Mom
-- Jennifer
- on September 20, 2017
Drake - I love your green-faced, two tailed monster! (I'd hate to run into him!!) Warmest wishes from the west coast!
-- Kathy
- on September 20, 2017
Wow ?? Great Picture Mandrake ... that's one cool looking monster!
-- Aunt Amy
- on September 20, 2017
Drake your picture is outstanding!! You are a very talented artist! I love the monster. I especially love all the colour you used! Please keep making art! Please send your Aunt a picture soon! Miss you love Auntie Ona
-- onalee
- on September 20, 2017
What an artist! You are so creative. Great job Drake:))
-- Ashley
- on September 19, 2017
Wow, Mandrake you are an artist just like your Mom. I like the monster faces, the long green tails with spikes and the big toenails. You have lots of detail and a good selection of color in your picture.
-- Nancy
- on September 19, 2017
Wow what a scary looking monster!! I'm glad it's in your closet and not mine ...
-- Maurice
- on September 19, 2017