Kindlekat46's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Kindlekat46's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I like him a lot Grandma
- on April 7, 2008
this is very good. looks real cuddly Grandma
- on February 22, 2008
Keep up the good work Happy Thanksgiving Grandma
- on January 31, 2008
I like the picture. It's very colorful Love you Grandma
- on October 19, 2007
I like this one. Have a good summer. Grandma
- on February 12, 2007
good work. Hope to see you soon Grandma
- on May 9, 2006
good work Keep it up Happy Easter Grandma
- on March 27, 2006
Love the purple hat
-- from grandma
- on January 19, 2006
Sarah, That is such an incredible snowman. You even put a purple hat on him (you're favorite color). I look forward to seeing your next piece of artwork.
-- from Momma
- on January 19, 2006
Good job!
-- from MomMom
- on December 29, 2005