What a pretty bouquet Tessa. Will you help me with my flowers? -- YaYa
- on October 30, 2018
Do you know why I didn't comment on this pretty picture? Because I was visiting and I got to see it in person and talk about this picture with you. It was another happy memory of a good time spent with you. -- YaYa
- on May 16, 2018
Wow! Where did you see so many pretty birds? You must have been bird watching with your mom. I love all the colorful details of your picture. -- YaYa
- on May 16, 2018
Does your bear have a name? Your bear looks like a nice bear - a bear you would want to hug. -- YaYa
- on May 16, 2018
Super picture. Bet it was fun to curl the pieces of paper to make the lion's mane. -- YaYa
- on February 21, 2018
What a happy snowman. Love him. -- YaYa
- on January 31, 2018
Tessa, This is beautiful. You did a lovely job and even matched up the beads. Do you have a special outfit to wear this with? -- YaYa