Vivienne435's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Vivienne435's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Vivienne, Another beautiful example of choosing beautiful colors for your art work! We love this! MiMi and Gramps
- Mimi and Gramps on March 18, 2020
these hearts are fab! love them
- Megan (Mother) on March 4, 2020
Beautiful! I love this blue butterfly!!
- Megan (Mother) on March 4, 2020
beautiful! I would love to see a butterfly like this!
- Megan (Mother) on March 4, 2020
I love this!!!
- Mom on November 13, 2019
so pretty!
- Mom on November 13, 2019
This pumpkin is wonderful!
- Mom on November 13, 2019
I love this owl. It is so cute. The colors and polka dots are so great!
- Mom on November 13, 2019
So pretty! I love it
- Mom on November 13, 2019
So pretty!
- Megan (Mother) on October 8, 2019
I love the fish and butterfly! I think I may need these for my house. Come soon for snowcones!!
-- Lisa
- on May 8, 2019
ViVi...Oh so clever! We love that your fish has such a nice smile. She looks so happy. You are becoming quite an artist and we are so proud you are our sweet Vivienne! Love you, MiMi and Gramps
-- Jack and Judy
- on May 1, 2019
Vivi, Your city picture is so pretty! Gramps and I really like all the colorful buildings and the bright sun. It looks like a happy place.?? MiMi and Gramps
-- Jack and Judy- Gramps and MiMi
- on April 17, 2019
Gramps and Mimi loved it so much we ordered a cup with your heart design!
-- Jack Judy
- on February 6, 2019
Such a pretty snowy scene! Great job, V! We love it!!
-- Megan & Michael
- on November 20, 2018
Vivienne, this is such an original look at the leaves. Your colors are beautiful. Gramps and I are so happy to see this painting. Keep up the good work!
-- Judy and Jack
- on November 7, 2018
Vivi, You have created another beautiful picture. It reminds us that Fall is here and the trees will soon all look like your colorful tree! Love you,
-- MiMi and Gramps
- on November 7, 2018
This is so beautiful! The prettiest fall tree I’ve ever seen ????
-- Megan
- on October 24, 2018
I love it! It looks like it glows. Great job!!!
-- Megan
- on October 9, 2018
so pretty!
-- Megan
- on September 25, 2018
so pretty! I love all the tulips and colors you chose. Beautiful
-- Megan
- on September 25, 2018
I love these snowmen! Is that you, me and Max?? xoxo
-- Lisa
- on January 31, 2018
This picture is such a fresh and creative look at a forest in the winter. You are a budding artist. We are always so proud of all you do.
-- Jack and Judy
- on January 31, 2018