I can see that you indeed used your imagination on this assignment. Good job!
- Nana on November 5, 2020
I really like what you have done using the tints & shading. Good job!
- Nana on October 23, 2020
I like this pumpkin. It is unlike any I have seen! Very creative and bold. Keep up the good work — thinking way outside the box. Good job!
- Nana on October 23, 2020
OP means overpowered and that is exactly what Cason has done to our understanding of art. His fantastic creation accomplishes so much in the allotted space. In the immortal words of Oscar Gamble, "They don't think it be like it is, but it do."
- Dad on March 4, 2020
Colorful and violent. I love it!
- Dad on January 31, 2020
I love it! The seaweed is my favorite part. Great job!
- Mom (Mother) on December 26, 2019
This is really neat, Buddy! Good job!
- Mom on November 14, 2019
I refuse to believe this is art created by Cason. This is clearly a photograph of a forest’s floor. By the type and color arrangement, I’d guess it’s from a forest in eastern British Columbia. No doubt a small chipmunk crossed this area recently. Nice try, Cason!
- Dad on November 14, 2019
Cason — I like these leaves. Very unusual colors. Different and a nice break from the standard drab yellow & browns. Good job!
- Nana on November 14, 2019
Good job, Buddy!
- Mom (Mother) on October 12, 2019
The Pokémon master stares into my soul. It is another powerful work of art by Cason - clearly a commentary on the geo-political issues that impacted the Holy Roman Empire centuries ago. Well done, CASON! Great work!
- Dad on October 12, 2019
Very cool! Good job Cason!
- Nana on October 12, 2019
One dark night as I journeyed home from the factory, I heard footsteps quickly approaching. I clutched my metal lunch box, ready to defend myself. The footsteps came closer and faster. It was clearly something large nearing me. I ducked down an alley and put my back against the wall. The footsteps disappeared. As I stood against the wall I felt a liquid substance drip onto my head. I slowly looked up and saw a huge and horrible insect! I passed out and when I came to, I was in my bed. I thought I was safe until now, for the creature I saw that terrifying night is the same Cason created here! AAHHH!
- Dad on October 12, 2019
Wonderful, colorful, and extraordinary! Fantastic work, CASON. -- Daddy
- on May 23, 2019
"The gold eagle soars into the night sky. Looking for prey, he senses it is feeding time. Hark! The time is nigh." Fantastic work, dude! -- Daddy
- on May 5, 2019
Cason, I love your creative construction vehicle! It is so cool!! -- Mom
- on April 18, 2019
Cason, this is so great!! I love it! You did an awesome job! -- Nana
- on April 18, 2019
"Awash in colors, Cason's artwork gives hope to humanity for a brighter future." - George Washington "Cason makes me look like a fool!" - Leonardo DaVinci "Meow!" - Connie the Cat "Excellent work, big boy!" - Daddy -- Daddy
- on April 12, 2019
What a beautiful representation of a full-size aortic pump! The colors are wondrous. Excellent work, Cason! -- Dad
- on February 13, 2019
Super work, Cason! Dr. Seuss would be proud of this fanciful creation. -- Dad
- on February 13, 2019
Cason's work is fantastic. He created a moving piece that illustrates the majesty of Winter. It prompted a poem: Snow slowly drifts upon the trees as Winter settles in upon the land. Stars shine brightly illuminating the cold stillness. One day soon, the Earth will wake from its hibernation. -- Dad
- on February 13, 2019
Beautiful! I love the dark night sky with the bright green trees and white snow! -- Mom
- on February 13, 2019
Forceful. Powerful. Subdued. Engaging. Cason and his artwork have become one. -- Daddy
- on October 24, 2018
Genius personified! Fantastic work. Cason is the best artist since Joe Montana! -- Daddy
- on October 24, 2018
Cason has blessed humanity with his vision and unique ability to state the obvious in a new way. His use of color and form humbles lesser beings into silence. Clearly, Cason is an Italian Renaissance master reincarnated. -- Daddy
- on October 24, 2018
This is fantastic! Definitely one for the frame. Good job, Buddy! -- Mommy
- on October 24, 2018
Colors jump from Cason's work like a cat that was spooked by a loud noise. Purple, green, and blue intertwine beautifully in this exquisite creation. His work harkens back to the middle ages when peasants worked the fields at the bidding of their lords. Haunting. -- Dad
- on May 25, 2018
A haiku: Yarn and color here Irreplaceable genius Cason is the best -- Dad
- on May 17, 2018
I am reporting Cason to the appropriate authorities! He clearly chiseled this piece of art from an cave wall recently discovered archeologists. No doubt the hand belongs to GRRNG, a caveman-artist from thousands of years ago. GRRNG loved created fantastic works of art of animals. Cason is a exceptional artist and shouldn't resort to stealing from GRRNG. -- Dad
- on May 4, 2018
Bluebonnets flourish in the spring. Cason flourishes year-round. Cason has a blanket named, "Bluey." Similarities abound. The artist and art intertwine in a magical dance of life. Cason showcases this phenomena in this work. Well done! -- Daddy
- on April 4, 2018
Cason, you did an amazing job! This picture looks exactly like bluebonnets. Very proud of you! Love, Nana. -- Nana
- on April 4, 2018
I love this! This bluebonnet will be framed on the wall for years to come. Great job, Buddy! -- Mommy
- on April 4, 2018
What an amazing work of art. Cason clearly rose above the stratosphere and into the heavens when he created this tour-de-force. This work should be secured in the safest bank because thieves will attempt to steal it so that some nefarious crime boss can gaze upon it in the privacy of his home while he eats sugary cereal. Truly spectacular! -- Daddy
- on March 21, 2018
I love this picture! The different examples of lines used fro the tails are perfect, the bright colors are fun, and the little pink ears are such a cute touch! The smaller blue and red mice look like babies coming with their mamas to the cheese. Great job, buddy! This will go on the wall for sure! -- Mommy
- on February 8, 2018
I was frightened when I first saw this artwork. I was certain these were real vermin that had crawled onto my computer monitor. Such is the expertise with which Cason has created this masterpiece. Please don't scare people with such realistic representations of plague-carrying rodents!! -- Daddy
- on February 8, 2018
Happy turkey. Happy Thanksgiving. I? really like the distinctive feathers. This is a very cute turkey! Love it. -- Poppy
- on December 28, 2017
That is the cutest turkey I've ever seen, much like the boy who drew it! -- Mommy
- on November 17, 2017
I like your turkey. You did a good job. That reminds me that we will be seeing you and your family at Thanksgiving! That will be so much fun!! Love you! Nana -- Graceanna
- on December 28, 2017
Clearly, a masterpiece! Cason has proven again his incredible artistic ability with this work of art. According to art historians, "Cason makes Picasso look like a infant with a broken crayon!" -- Daddy
- on December 28, 2017
Pablo Picasso, if alive, would be astonished at the excellence of this work. It is truly a tour-de-force! -- Daddy
- on October 25, 2017
Super cute! Love the three eyes! -- Lynsey
- on October 21, 2017
Truly inspirational. A vision of beauty and awe inspiring power. Cason is master of color and form. A revelation! -- Dad
- on October 19, 2017
I really like the lines you drew and the clots you used. Good job! -- Nana